3| The Bite of 87 Part II

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"Hhhheehehhh-hhhhhhehh! Have fun kids! And let's (kkkkkii-kkkkilll them!) keep our selves safe when exploring Pirate Cove!"
Freddy said.

"Aaarrrgggg harararrrrr-aarr! You best be gettin' back to the station land lubber, because these little ones are now part... Of the p-pirate's crew."
The fox turned to everyone speaking, he made jittery, awful metallic sounds.

"When in the pirate cove, remember to adventure safe kiddie's. And n-nnnn- nnnoo running around the pirate cove or else ye be (lost forever..) y-beeee walkin' the plank."
There it was again.

"Ayyeee it be swash bucklin adventures that ye be-e s-seeeki-kkinnnn lads o-rr-or is it that (I don't belong here) o-oor orrrr is it that your not a kin to the seven seas?!"

"Alll pirates give me an arg- an arg an arg! (Please help me..) hahahhhaaa aaarrgggg."
You couldn't take this anymore. You ran into a hallway near the bathrooms and breathed shakily.

You tried to calm down from what you were experiencing. You looked at yourself in the mirror and washed your hands. You gathered yourself up and then went back to the main party room and the stage. But what you witnessed was horrifying.

Foxy was biting off the frontal lobe of a little girls brain. Your father, the head security guard was over there taking Foxy away and people were crying, screaming, running away and out the building.

Blood and brains were everywhere and it all happened so fast. You just knew something bad was bound to happen. Was the strange voice some type of spirit inside the animatronic? The one who died because Golden Freddy?

Foxy was your favorite...

And he was put out of order and never used again for twenty-seven years. The staff believed it was just a malfunction. But you and your grandfather believed it was the spirit within Foxy. The spirit of the dead child, stuff into him, just like the other animatronics who had a foul, bloody, mucus-like stench.

The fox within Pirate's Cove was locked away, never touched or cleaned up again. Never turned on. You missed him dearly. Not speaking with him as you used to when younger, washing him, singing with him, playing with him.

Spending time with him.

From Fox to Human: Five Nights at Freddy's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now