15| Late Night Adventures

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After one evening and entire night of hard work, you had completed and repaired all three animatronics. You didn't even turn them on yet, just staring into their eyes made you quiver with fear. As you finished polishing Bonnie, the last of the three, your fellow coworker dropped in.

"Uh, hey (Y/n) I just wanted to bring you some food and-"
Her sentence was interrupted by what she saw.

Everything was clean, polished, and put together, and the three robots stood shut down like statues all next to each other. Not as good as they looked back in their day, but pretty damn good in your opinion.

"Uh- uhm. I- oh my god! (Y/n)!"
The girl stared in awe, examining the robot animals in their final forms.

"I finished everything. All they need to do is be turned on.. They may still have malfunctions on their systems when on free mode. But, I did the best I could."
You stated proudly, wiping the sweat off your forehead and sighing.

"This is incredible, you really outdid yourself you know."
The coworker laughed a bit, still gazing upon the animatronics.

"Well, there's a fresh cooked pizza in the kitchen if you need something to eat, and the guards will be locking down the place in about five hours, so take some time to yourself a bit! The new animatronics are very friendly, so maybe you could meet them."
The girl said cheerfully. You nodded and smiled, walking out of the repair room, and taking a quick glance back at the robots before you closed the door.

You entered the kitchen, to your surprise it had the same interior design but everything else was new. You nodded to a few of the cooks and grabbed and plate and piece of pizza, walking out and sitting down at a table for a quick bite. Later on you explored around, in search of the new animatronics.

Sooner or later, you found two on the stage, one playing a guitar, one singing into a microphone. As you walked up to what looked like to be a replacement of Bonnie and Freddy, you grinned a bit, seeing how they were designed. They looked like toys, and more age appropriate for kids, more friendly too. No fur on them like the old ones, and nothing was hallow or robotic like. Except their ever lasting smiles. They were much smaller too, about the average size of a man. The old ones were gigantic.

"Well hi there rock star!"
Said Toy Bonnie.

"Oh, didn't expect you to talk..."
You said shyly, crossing your arms and staring at the robot.

"Tee hee! Kids are too funny! Wanna jam out with us?"
The blue bunny asked. Oh yeah, another thing. Why the hell is this one blue and not purple? And the bow tie, really?

"Heh, no thanks."
You switched your technician hat to face backwards, and walked over to Freddy. Oh Freddy. He looked even more weird.

"Well hello there little girl! Want to play?"
He asked, you shook your head.

"No thanks. I'm not so little anymore."
You replied to the bear. How amusing this was, did they have some type of auto communicator?

It's like they had no soul. Well, you guessed that you were used to robots having souls. After all who knows if the captured souls inside the old animatronics ever were freed like Foxy's was all those years ago.

"Now I wonder where that chicken is."
You said sharply, hopping off the stage and becoming more adventurous.

You wandered around a bit and sang your favorite tune Foxy always used to sing. Coming to a dead end in a hallway and hearing footsteps behind you, you turned, to see Toy Chica. You gave a sly smirk.

"Why hello young friend! Are you lost? Chica can help you! Hehe!"
The robot called, stepping closer, holding a plate and birthday cupcake in her wings.

"Guess none of these toy animatronics do have a personality after all."
You mumbled to yourself.

"Uh, no. I'm not lost. Just exploring."
You replied, walking past her, sensing she gave you a long stare as you did so. After you turned the corner you bumped into a small statue, but really, wasn't a statue.

"Oh, sorry I-"
You stopped talking as you looked around, then down, as a red balloon stood stiff in your face.

"Hello! Hahah!"
Said the boy, he didn't look like an animatronic, but certainly like a robot somehow.

"I'm Balloon Boy! Would you like a balloon?"
The little animatronic asked. This was rather new to you. A human animatronic?

"Oh. No thank you."
You said kindly, stepping out of his way and walking on further, now entering a party room. It was neatly cleaned and set up properly, ready for the next visitors.

But a few rooms away you heard what sounded like a broken radio, and quickly walked over, only to see a strange sight.

It was a broken animatronic, and was the replacement of Foxy. The white fox covered in makeup. The broken radio was probably from it's police communicator. But why was a new, toy animatronic so beaten up like the old ones? It didn't speak like the others. But it was probably fully capable of moving.

A wise security guard of Freddy's knows that whatever the circumstance, an animatronic will always find a way to move.

You shivered, walking away from it, but turned to face a nighttime security guard. He was rather a handsome man, around your age. He smiled at you and he leaned against the threshold of the door.

"That's Mangle. She was the replacement of the dog animatronic, but so many kids abused her that she got beaten up and we had to put her away."
The guard said. You narrowed your eyes at him as he spoke his naïve words.

"Well for starters, it wasn't a dog animatronic, it was a fox. And his name was Foxy. Foxy the Pirate Captain. And no one could replace him."
You spoke sternly yet with great confidence, standing on Foxy's behalf to make his name remembered throughout the entire business. He was the greatest of the four, of course.

"Tch, my bad. I guess you're the new recruit. We've heard some pretty interesting stories about you, ya know...."
The man said, walking in and standing next to you. You tensed, becoming a bit sarcastic.

"Oh really? Do tell."

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