2| The Bite of 87 Part I

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Today was November 1oth, on a Friday night. And it was packed too. Just before you opened up the pizzeria you cleaned up Foxy for the show he was supposed to put on tonight with Freddy. But something wasn't right. You thought back to it.

{Earlier Today}

"Morning Foxy!"
You called to him smiling, he was relaxing in Pirate's Cove.

"Mornin' young l-l-l-lassy! And how is me favorite buckaroo doin' thi-i-i-isss (terrible) fine day?"
He smiled baring his sharp fangs.

"I'm good. How about you?"
You asked hearing the terrible part. Something was wrong with his voice box.

"Ju-jus-Ssst (awful) great! The show be today!"
He responded, you started to frown and clean him up. You had just finished polishing up the others and the stage.

Every time the whispers came it felt like the world around you fell silent and became darker, and you could almost catch a glimpse of an evil looking face from Foxy, where his eyes were black with a tiny white pupil and black guck oozing from his eyes.

"All right, you're all cleaned up... and.. Foxy are you okay? You don't really seem like yourself today."
You stated before leaving Pirate's Cove.

"Oooo-offff course dearie! I-I-I'm just (awful) grand like a fish in the w-w-wat-er."
He said moving his arms as he talked. His eyes didn't shine as bright as they normally did. But he hugged you, and you walked off.

{Flashback over}

You mumbled to yourself. You worked with a few more customers and hours passed until it was around seven PM and time for the show.

Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica all walked on stage and Freddy began talking into his mic.

"H-h-hhh-hey all you pirate fans! Head-Ddd on down on down, down, down to t-the Pirate Cove! Because the shows a-a-about to s-ssstart! It's our good old pal Foxy!"

The bear said looking around.

"I know he's around here somewhere..."

"M-m-mmmaybee we need to call him out!"

"Fooxxxyyy!!! Help me out kids! F-f-f-f-ffffooxy!!"
You just listened to him from behind the counter, watching the stage.

"Last time kids nice and lllllloud, hehehhh. So we can get him out here! Foxy!!"
Just then after the last time, Foxy came out swinging from a rope.

"Arrrgggg me matie's it's me, Foxy! And wel-wel-welc-co-come to the Pirate's Cove...."

"Freddy best be gettin back to the stage, or I'll be f-fffforced ta (Cut the pig!) ffff-forced ta waalkk the plank...!"
You heard that strange evil voice again..

This wasn't good.

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