12| Freedom

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Foxy rushed over to you gently placing his hands onto your cheeks.

"Are ye alright lassy?!"
He asked you panting a bit.

"I-I'm fine.."
You nodded to him.

"Come on, let's just get out of here!"
You took his hand now feeling that it was a paw, you picked him up again since he was a small fox and ran back to your car driving home with your things and him curled in a ball in the front seat.

You drove home, on the way, you noticed that Foxy was looking out the window in awe. You assumed he hadn't seen the outside world in twenty-seven years.

Once you reached your home you unlocked the door and carried him and your bags inside. You let him hop around. (He only had three paws to walk on since there was his hook). He looked amazed by your house and brushed his side against your legs like a cat. You called into work and said you quit. It was all over.


"So.. This is where ye live?"
He asked.


"Can me live er' too?"
He asked again.

"Of course..."
You said smiling down at him.

"You deserve a new home..."
You spoke to him softly and smoothly. He whined and rubbed his head against you.

You were both free.

Free from that damned, cursed, rotten pizzeria....

It took twenty-seven years. But now we're safe.

In our own little cove.

From Fox to Human: Five Nights at Freddy's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now