Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #2

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                                                                                        Chapter 2


"Draco Malfoy? What the hell are you doing here!? In my room? In my country of all places?"

"Ah for a moment there I thought you had forgotten who I was."

"Answer my bloody question you blonde headed twit. Why are you fucking here?"

 "Well if you must know, my damned parents made me come here to help your family pack." he replied slyly looking once again at my towel covered chest.

"Well Malfoy, I really don't need your help so if you don't mind get your eyes off me and get the hell out of my room." I said through clenched teeth. Draco didn't answer he just kept looking at me and not at my face.

"What are you looking at?!" I growled. "Oh nothing just you." Draco smirked. "Well if that doesn't disgust me I don't know what does. But I'm pretty sure I told you to get out of my fucking room. So if you don't mind get the hell out!" I screamed pointing toward the door. "Jesus Christ fine, no need to be a bitch about it." Draco snarled while walking towards the door. "Yes well unfortunately for you I like being a bitch." I hissed. As he reached the door he turned back to look at me only to be greeted by me wrinkling my nose at him. With a wink and the famous Malfoy smirk, he walked out the door. Bastard, I thought as I walked towards my dresser. Grabbing some clothes that were both comfortable and presentable, I headed to the bathroom to change and get ready. I kept my hair down and vetoed the make-up, I really didn't want to be sweating while packing and making it drip. I had noticed my CD had played to the end so I changed it Black Eyed Peas. As I started to pick up the wet towels and wipe the floor in the bathroom I heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was one of my brothers, "Come-In" I yelled from the bathroom. A moment later I walked back into my room only to see Draco once again sitting on my bed. "Draco what are you doing here?", I asked avoiding his face. His eyes were so mesmerizing I didn't want to look into them. "Like I said before, my parents made me come here and help." He said coldly. "Well sorry to burst your bubble Draco but I'm a big girl now. I don't need anyone's help especially yours." Turning my back to him I could still feel him glaring at me with his icy eyes. "Alora what the fuck is your problem? God ever since that summer 4 years ago, when everything changed for some reason unknown to me, you have been a royal bitch. What happened to you?" He asked. He sounded pissed off. However he didn't wait to hear my reply, he walked out of my room slamming the door behind him.

He really wants to know what happened, why I've been so cold? He really wants to know how I went from Alora his best friend to Alora the one person who hated him more anyone else in the world? If only I could tell him. It's not like I forgot. I remembered it like it was yesterday. It was the same summer I had my heart broken for the first time.


It was the summer before my first year at the school of magic. I was 11 years old. Like every summer I was going to visit my best friend. Standing at the front door of the Malfoy mansion, I knocked excitedly. It had been months since I had last seen Draco, and now I got to spend the whole summer with him. I was a bit nervous though, because this summer was going to be a bit different. This summer I was going to tell Draco how I had been feeling. Yes I was only 11 and most 11 year olds don't know about liking or loving people, but with Draco I did know. I had strong feelings for him, he was my best friend who was there for me through some rough times. Like when my cat Valiant passed away, he had been the only one to comfort you when everyone else I thought were my friends laughed and told me to suck it up. Draco had been there to hug me and even held a little funeral for my kitten. Dressed in a little black suit he had said some words about my cat then made sure the little box was deep enough that no animal would get at it. I liked Draco, I liked him a lot. All of a sudden the door swung open and I saw him. He was grinning from ear to ear and his amazing ice blue eyes sparkled in delight.

"Lora!", he yelled picking me up into a giant hug.

"Drake, put me down." I giggled. He was a good deal taller then me, possibly a foot or even more. He threw me over his shoulders and ran up the stairs towards his room.

"Come on Lora, Crabbe and Goyle are here. They can't wait to see you." He said finally putting me down outside his bedroom door. Walking into his enormous room I noticed Crabbe and Goyle were not the only guests Draco had. There sitting on his bed was the one person I had never gotten along with, Pansy Parkinson. As Draco sat on his bed, she crawled over and climbed onto his lap. That is were it all started. I later found out from Crabbe that Pansy and Draco had been an item for some time now. It crushed me like I never thought it would. That day it seemed I lost all emotion towards Draco. Like his eyes, my heart turned to ice. After that summer I would make up excuses not to have to go to the Malfoys for visits. If our families did see each other I was always cold to Draco, causing him to become and ass towards me. After awhile we both just stopped talking to each other and drifted apart.


After what seemed like forever I shook the thoughts from my head and decided to get to work on packing my things. Thankfully being a witch came in handy. Instead of a room full of large boxes, in the end I had shrunk everything to the size of rubic cubes and packed them all into one large box. It took me awhile but within a few hours my room was empty of everything, furniture and all. I looked at my watch when everything was done and was shocked to see how the time had flied. It was now nearing 3:30 in the afternoon. All of a sudden my stomach growled. I had missed not only breakfast but lunch as well and my body was angrily letting me know. Skipping down the stairs towards the basement I heard the TV playing in the living room. Grabbing an apple and a bottle of water I made my way into the living room where I noticed Draco sitting with my brothers watching reruns of Viva La Bam on MTV. I glared at the back of Draco's platinum blond head and jumped on the vacant couch adjacent to him. "Oi James where is mom and dad?" I said biting into my apple. "They went out for a few minutes should be back soon." he replied not even lifting a brow from the TV. Arbor however looked at me and frowned. "Is that all your eating Lora? You missed breakfast and lunch you know."

"Um yes I do know. And yes this is what I am eating. Thank you very much" you said matter-of-factly.

"Alora Marie Derch! You know what mum and dad said. They don't want what happened last time to happen again." James said giving me the big brother stare."James, fuck off. That was 2 fucking years ago don't bring that up. Holy crap I'm not stupid it won't happen again!" I yelled.

Draco looked at me with worry written all over his face. I saw his expression and grew even more angry. Who the hell gives him the right to be worried about me? I thought to yourself.

"Draco what the hell are you still doing here?", I hissed.

"Helping you move. Remember?" He said, focusing his attention on the TV again.

"Whatever" I mumbled. An hour later my parents arrived back home. With a twitch of their wands the house was packed in minutes. Ah the life of magic. Some say it must be a lazy life, I say to hell with them, they're just jealous. After putting the boxes in the truck, (yes we may be pure bloods but my parents still used muggle things like cars and such. They actually enjoyed them), my parents dropped a bomb on me.

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