Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #13

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Hey everyone i'm so so so so sorry for the lack of posting lately. With the kittens and trying to get set of college it has been pretty crazy around here. We foster cats and find them homes and two of the cats we've fostered gave birth so we have to take care of the kittens and such. I will be so glad whne we get them homes and not have to deal with it anymore to be honest. But enough of that here is another chapter of the story. I really do hope you all like it.


Draco and I sat and watched the movie in silence, well except for the occasional scream when the movie got to much to handle. I was glad Draco was there. His chest was warm and his cologne comforting. When ever I screamed I'd hide my face in his chest as he pulled me closer. Protecting me with his arms. He made me feel so safe. I carefully looked up at him trying not to make him aware. His eyes were on the screen but I knew his mind wasn't. I calming smile played on his lips. I pulled myself closer to him and kept myself in his arms. He seemed shocked at first, as it wasn't a scary moment, but the shock didn't last long, he wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulder. I laid my head on his chest and listened to the soothing sound of his heart. The rise and fall of his chest, the steady beat of his heart, and the smell of what was left of his cologne after his shower put me at ease. Before I knew it I was asleep.

We were kids again, flying on miniature brooms no more then 2 feet off the ground. Our parents laughed in the background, cheering us on as we tried to steady ourselves. We were giggling trying race. I was so happy, it was my 6th birthday and I had my best friend with me. I looked at him and felt my heart flutter. I loved my Drake. He looked towards me and opened his mouth, but what he was saying was cut off by a blood curtailing scream.

I awoke with a start. The scream was real.


I opened my eyes and pushed myself up. Up off Draco's chest I realized. I knew Draco was awake cuz I could feel his heart beating faster under my hand which was still on his chest. I looked around and saw a tall girl standing by the rooms door. She looked slightly familiar, from her black hair, pug face, even her shrieking voice. I looked closer and bit my tongue in shock. Pansy.

"Drakie Boo! What are you doing? Who is that whore lying on you?" She screamed. I looked around for this whore she was talking about and realized she was pointing at me.

“Whoa! Hold on a second. Are You calling me a whore?” I stood up, leaving Draco to get up finally.

“Yes. Who are you!? Why are You lying on him?”

I heard Draco cough, he was trying to think of something to say.

“Wait. You look familiar.” Pansy said.

“What Pansy you don't remember me? Alora. Alora Derch.”

“Alora!? What the fuck are you doing here in Draco's lap? And wow you look so different.”

“See I'd say the same about you Pansy but you still look like one of those ugly pug dogs.” I smirked. The next thing I knew Draco was at my side. I looked up at him, his hair was all messed up and his eyes gave the tired look. However looking deeper in his eyes I could see amusement. That rat he thinks this is funny, I thought.

“How dare you, do you even know who I am?”

“Ya actually I do. You're Pansy. The dog girl. Now get out of my face. Seriously you walk into my home and wake me up in the morning. Not cool. Not cool at all." I said as I started to walk away.

"You're house? Well excuse me bitch, but I'm Draco's girlfriend, this house is more mine then yours. I heard your parents were killed so actually your just a charity case who the Malfoys felt sorry for and let you stay here."

I slowly turned around. My face blank but my heart blazing with anger. How dare she speak to me like that. About my parents, about my brothers, about me. I looked at Draco who remained speechless, his eyes wide in shock. Well I guess he should feel that when his secret has been blown.

"Girlfriend Draco?" I said calmly.

"Yes girlfriend Alora now get away from him, don't you have some crying over dead parents to do or something?" I was on the verge or tears but I sucked them back and then without a second thought I had Pansy slammed up against a wall.

"Listen here you little bitch. Don't you dare speak to me like that. Remember when we were little your parents feared mine. And starting now it would be wise to fear me. If you ever speak out of line again I will hurt you so badly, you will wish the Dark Lord to kill you." My grip on Pansy's shoulders tightened and I felt the tears in my eyes start to slowly fall down my cheek. Pansy opened her mouth to speak but I pulled back and slammed her into the wall again. I noticed the hole starting to form behind her. "And one more thing! I live here now with this lying sack of scum!", I said giving Draco a look of pure hate. "Who it seems is no better then a damn muggle if he is dating the likes of you! So if you dare tell me my place in this house again it will be your last thing you do." With that I swung Pansy around, shoving her into Draco's arms. "Here Malfoy take care that your 'girlfriend' stays the fuck away from me" I turned my back to them and bolted up to my room, tears falling faster now. I slammed my door just in time to hear the sound of Draco yelling and Pansy crying. He lied to me. He said they weren't dating, he said he hated her. How could he lie to me?, I cried as I ran to my walk-in closet. I grabbed a duffel bag and started to fill it with as much clothes as I could. I was leaving, I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care. I didn't want to be anywhere near Draco. I could still hear Draco and Pansy downstairs as I zipped up my bag. I walked over to my desk and pulled out a pen and some paper. I started writing, tears falling onto the paper smudging the maroon ink. I slowly and quietly went to Draco's room and put the letter on his door. The fighting downstairs had finally stopped, and silence was all I could hear as you glanced towards the stairs. Tears slowly falling as I whispered, "I hate you".  I walked back to my room and went into the bathroom. After what seemed like forever I apperated to Diagon Alley.

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