Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #16

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I'm sorry this chapter is so short!!!!

But I still hope you enjoy it!!


I made my way through Diagon Alley, wiping tears from my eyes. It had been so long since I had been here it was hard to figure out where I was going. Oh well maybe I'll just get lost and then I won't have to worry about anything. I kept wiping tears from my eyes. How could he just lie to me after all this, I thought to myself. As I walked, I realized how parched and dizzy I was. I had cut deeper than I ever had and it was taking its toll on me. I took out my wand and quietly spoke a healing charm. I watched at the cuts closed themselves up, leaving a faint scar in its wake. As I continued to walk, I came upon The Leaky Cauldron and made to go in when I suddenly realized I had no money. I never thought as I hastily left the Malfoy Mansion, to grab my key to my bank vault. So now here I was stuck with no money, no place to go, no family, I was stuck. I sat down on the curb, watching the people walk by. New tears of frustration fell from my eyes. Putting my head in my hands I cried softly to myself, wishing I could wake up and this all be a dream.


Draco ran down the stairs towards his father’s study. He would find her no matter what. He opened the door to the study and immediately saw what he was looking for in the far corner of the room. "The Devils Eye", he whispered softly as he walked towards it.

The Devils Eye was a large basin type thing with silver and metallic coloured water swirling around.

It could be used to find anyone the searcher wanted. It would show them their exact location. Lord Voldemort had used it while still in power to find his enemies and know where to send Death Eaters. The Dark Lord had used the Eye to find the Potter family the day they were killed.

Draco laid his hands in the water and said in a demanding voice, "Alora Derch!" The water started to swirl and pictures started to form. All of a sudden the pictures stopped and one vision remained. It was Alora! There she was walking down Diagon Alley. It was dark but he could still see a slight outline of her face. ~Is she crying?! ~ Draco's thoughts were blurred. He had found her. Now all he wanted to do was to get to her as soon as possible. Draco ran towards the library towards the fireplace. As he walked into the library he saw a small box on the one table. He quickly opened it. Inside were his and Alora's keys to the bank. He quickly pocketed them and ran toward the fireplace. Sitting on the mantel was a vase with green powder in it. Grabbing a handful of the powder, Draco stepped into the fireplace, "DIAGON ALLEY", he yelled in a clear sturdy voice. All of a sudden he was being carried away by the Flo network.


I continued to sit on the curb, knowing there was nowhere else to go so why bother. I heard my stomach rumble and winced when I felt the hunger. I hadn't eaten since tea yesterday. Draco and I had been too caught up in our fight then the movie to remember to eat. Then this morning too much had happened to have time to eat. So there I was hungry, alone, heartbroken and to top it off cold. I shivered and wished that I could be wrapped up in a warm blanket, or even someone's arms. I was feeling unloved at the moment and I just wanted one person to assure me that I truly was loved. Just one person, it couldn't be too much to ask for. Then as if someone was reading my mind, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked up and saw a pale face, and worried eyes. Draco. He was the last person I wanted to see at the moment, but at the same time he was the only person I wanted to see. I stood up quickly, forgetting how angry I was at him I fell into his chest, sobbing softly. He wrapped his arms around me lightly. He was warm and comforting; I didn't want to leave this spot. He seemed to sense that and pulled me closer to him holding me tightly. As my tears wet his chest, he whispered his apology. I didn't quite hear him but I know I would forgive him, if only he could forgive me.


I had finally found her. I was so happy she was in my arms again.

"Alora, I'm sorry. You know I would never do anything to hurt you. Pansy was lying, if you had just stuck around you would have heard me tell her otherwise. There is only one girl I care about right now, and that girl scared me half to death when she left me a letter on my door."

"Another girl left you a letter on your door?" Alora asked raising her head to look into my eyes.

"Ha Ha to funny. No you're the only one who did. And you're the only one I care about."

She continued to look at me, she was trying to figure out if I was lying or not. I knew I had to prove to her I wasn't. I took her face in my hands and lowered my lips to hers.

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