Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #12

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I made my way up to my room, leaving Alora in the dinning room. I could hear a bang then her telling herself not to slam her head on the table. I chuckled under my breath. She shouldn't be upset, it wasn't her fault. I was the one who got all weird and awkward. I should be slamming my head against a table. Sounded like a good idea actually. I don't know why it was awkward, we had both just minutes before expressed our feelings for each other. Now here I was just because the word love got used running away like a damn pussy. God Malfoy you really are dumb. I closed my bedroom door behind me and leaned against it, breathing a deep sigh. “Idiot” I whispered. Need to clear my head, I thought. I grabbed a pair of shorts from the dresser and the towel I had thrown on the bed earlier, then made my way to my bathroom. After a few minutes of just letting the water wash over me, I turned the tap off and stepped out. I dried up and threw on the shorts then made my way back to my room. I heard a noise coming from the wall opposite the bathroom, the wall that stood between mine and Alora's room. I listened carefully and heard music.

...Close to you, I wanna get, Close to you and

I need more time, (I wanna get)

Close to you, I just want, Close to you and

I'm not sure why!

Sometimes I

I get up in the morning so surprised.

It takes me some time to realize.

Lately I,

Have really wished that you were still around.

Here to pick me up off of the ground...

Wow, I thought. A lot of meaning in that song that's for sure. I kept listening as it kept replaying, but the second time a new set of vocals was added. Alora. She was singing to the song. Her voice was beautiful, angelic almost. It was hard not to wince at the sadness and pain in her voice though. My fault, I thought.

I made my way to the bed and continued to listen as I lied there for what seemed like forever. Then it stopped. No more music, but the memory of her voice lingered. I heard her door close and her walk down the stairs. I picked up a book off the nightstand and tried to read. My thoughts however wouldn't let me. I kept thinking back to what happened in the dinning room. I cant believe I made such a big deal about it, I thought. I was lost in thought for what seemed like forever when all of a sudden I heard someone scream in horror. They screamed again and this time it was my name.

Third Person POV

As Alora stood in front of Draco's door it suddenly opened. Draco stood before her in his shorts breathing heavily with a worried look on his face.

"Are you ok?!" Draco asked.

"Um ya I was just watching a movie and it was really scary and yea..."Alora whispered.

"Are You telling me I heard You scream bloody murder over a movie. I was worried Alora. Shit I thought someone was killing you." Draco said catching his breath.

“Sorry?” Alora said innocently.

“What movie were you watching in the first place?”

“Child's Play" Alora blushed.

"Seriously?! Alora You know You can't watch that damn movie by yourself. Even with people you're literally eyes closed trying not to cry." Draco laughed hysterically.

"I know but I haven't seen it in such along time and I wanted to watch it. But then he came to life and yea his face popped up on the screen and holy shit I almost peed myself."

"Aw" Draco said trying to sound sympathetic and trying to hide his laughter.

"So yea I was wondering if you wanted to come watch it with me if your not too busy." Alora said. Draco thought for a moment, "Sure why not." With that they both walked downstairs to the theater.

During the movie Alora would scream at random parts and grab either Draco's hand or hide her face in his chest. Draco took notice of this and smiled. The first time she did it his heart almost leaped out of his chest. All of a sudden Alora screamed and buried her face in his chest. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. She looked up at him and smiled. For the rest of the movie she stayed in his arms. As the credits rolled Draco looked down and noticed that Alora had fallen asleep. He didn't want to wake her up so he summoned a blanket and pulled it over both her and him. He looked down at her as she silently breathed in and out. He watched her sleep until he drifted off in thoughts of her.

The next morning Draco was woken up by a shrill voice screaming uncontrollably. He looked up towards the noise and knew hell was breaking loose.

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