Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #14

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**********DRACO'S POV**********

I watched as Alora disappeared. I could have sworn I had seen tears in her eyes when Pansy was pushed towards me. All I wanted to do was run after her and ask her what was wrong. My anger at Pansy held me back. Speaking of Pansy, the little pug faced bitch was standing right in front of me flashing an accomplished smile.

"Well Drakie, looks like she is gonna be upstairs for awhile,"She said stepping towards me, trying to look cute and innocent. To bad it wasn't working.

"Pansy for fuck sakes what are you doing here? Who the hell told you to just walk in anytime you wanted, have you never heard of knocking!!" I yelled.

"I'm your girlfriend remember. I'm allowed to just walk in"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, you are not my girlfriend never was, never will be! Stop thinking you are!"


"But all you want Pansy but it wont make a difference. You are not my girlfriend. You were just some easy slut who I could go to for a quick shag."

"Drakie, don't say that. You love me I know you do" she whined.

"STOP Pansy! Don't ever call me Drake again understand. Only 1 person is allowed to call me that, and it sure in hell is not you. And I don't love you. Having sex with you does not mean I love you. Jesus if that was the case I would be in love with 90% of all the girls I know!!!"

"What!? You mean you've slept with other girls?"

"Ya tons! And I didn't love any of them. I liked one person who I've known since I was young."

I saw a smile on Pansy's face, "NO PANSY NOT YOU! Believe it or not your actually the cause of all our problems since we were younger. Jesus."

Pansy started to cry even harder. "Pansy, do me a favor, get the hell out of my house" I said pointing towards the front hall. She let out a loud sob and started to the door. All of a sudden she turned around, "Draco, I don't understand what the hell is going on, but just know this...I will get you back no matter what. You love me and I know that, but it seems that Alora has messed with your mind. She better watch her back." With that she walked out.

I sighed and sunk down in the nearest couch.

"Ah for god sakes!" I yelled. Leaning forward on the couch, putting my head in my hands.

~Why is this happening now, when everything was going so good?~,  thought. I needed someone to talk to, someone who would know what I was talking about...Blaise. I started to walk upstairs when all of a sudden I heard a 'POP' coming from upstairs.

"Alora?!" I yelled. She had to be up there. When I reached the top of the stairs I found no sight of anyone. Hm, ok then I must be hearing things. I walked towards my room, where I noticed an envelope hanging from the door. I reached for it, then walked through to my room.

Looking at the ink used to write my name I noticed it was smudged as if someone dropped little bits of water on it.

I sat on my bed and opened the letter....


Oi, it's from Alora. Read on you git.

Hope you have fun with your girlfriend.

She isn't my damn girlfriend.

With me not around it should make it a lot easier to shag her.

Huh, what is she talking about, her not around?

I can't believe you lied to me, all that 'Oh I loved you" bullshit. I should have known it was all a lie.

Huh I didn't lie to her.

I'll come back to get the rest of my stuff when I find a place to live.

 A place to live? No she cant be gone. Na she is just joking, she is just mad. Keep reading Draco.

I just want you to know that everything I told you was true. I wouldn't lie to the person who means the world to me. Unlike you.

What, I didn't lie to people I care about, I never lied to her once. And I do love her.

Well goodbye, have a nice life. And if your wondering, I don't hate you...

~Then why the fuck did you write this?~

...I hate myself for thinking that everything you ever said was true.


From the bottom of my broken heart,

Alora Derch

I reread it again and again, still not understanding why she was mad at me. As I reread the tear stained first line for the hundredth time, "...with your girlfriend...", it hit you. Girlfriend! I had told Alora that Pansy was not my girlfriend, then Pansy came and said differently.

"Ah fuck Pansy!!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the nearest wall.

I had to see if Alora was really gone, I ran to her room and opened the door. There I saw...

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