Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #11

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I stood there watching shocked as Alora ran down the stairs. I wanted so bad to run down there and catch her like old times but something stopped me. I was thinking about what I had told her. I had told her that after all these years even since we were little that I loved her. What shocked me the most was that I think I actually meant it. Yes I had told girls that I loved them all the time but not once had I actually meant it. It was usually just for a quick shag. With Alora however, the word just sounded right. I didn't want to say it to anyone else. In my heart I knew I would never say it to anyone else. "Yea right Malfoy and heart aren't supposed to fit in the same sentence together" I laughed to myself.

"Oi Draco you git!! Way to leave me down there waiting...come on I know your stupid but not stupid enough to forget that I run and you chase!" I heard Alora yell from somewhere in the house.

"Oh your getting it now Alora you better start running" I yelled back at her trying to sound serious "No one calls me Draco Malfoy the Slytherin Sex God stupid" I laughed. That just made Alora laugh even harder.

"Hm sex god eh wow I didn't know playing with yourself all the time made you a god!!" I smirked to myself ~she is a sharp one~. With that I bolted down the stairs in search of her.


Draco chased Alora into the kitchen where they were stopped abruptly by the sight of a large black owl on the counter. In its grasps were 2 large letters. "Looks like our Hogwarts letters have finally arrived" Draco said walking over to the owl. He handed Alora a letter that had her name on it. She read it silently to herself;

Dear Miss Derch,

We send our sincere sympathy at the hearing of your parents and siblings death. They will be truly missed in the wizarding world. However we are pleased to hear of your new living arraignments with the Malfoy family. With this we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later then 31 July. Your house has been chosen at this time, and the House of Slytherin is pleased to welcome you.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"Well well Draco looks like I'm stuck with you", Alora smirked.

"Huh, what you talking bout women?" Draco said lifting his eyes off his letter.

Alora held the letter up to Draco's face so he could read it.

"Slytherin!! Good god now we have the best house ever."

Alora looked at him, eyebrow cocked. "Well you see Slytherin is the best house in the whole school. All the pure-bloods and death eaters kids are in that house. You should really send an owl to mother and father they will both be pleased." Draco said. Alora noticed that when he said "father" the glimmer in his eyes burnt out. Now his eyes were dark and sad. Draco noticed Alora looking at him weirdly and quickly changed the subject.

"Hey Alora what time is it?"

"A little after tea time." she said.

"No wonder I was getting hungry. Let's go eat. Oh and tomorrow we will go to Diagon Alley and get our supplies. You can see some people you haven't seen in awhile. Plus you have to go dress shopping" Draco replied.

"Oh ok I'd love to see some people again and..wait a second Malfoy! What do you mean dress?!" Alora said her face turning red. Before he could answer a house elf came running into the kitchen. "Ah young masters tea is going to be served in the dinning room this day. Please follow me."He said. Draco walked up behind Alora.

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