Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #7

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This is the last chapter for this story for the day as I am going away for a few days. I hope this keeps everyone happy for awhile lmfao! I am sorry this is so short! Thank you again for reading and please if you have a story you would like read and voted on let me know I lvoe reading others stories.:)


Alora fell into Draco's arms. Her face going deathly pale. He slide to the ground, holding her in his lap. Her breathing getting shorter and shorter. He was scared. The next thing he knew, his father and mother were at his side.

"Son", Lucius said as he picked Alora up.

"Father...I don't...she just..."Draco tried to talk but fear for Alora had overcome him. "We must get her to the hospital", replied his father. Narcissa helped Draco to his feet and with a >POP< they had all apparated to the hospital.

*********************DRACO'S POV***********************

I paced the waiting room, waiting for any news on Alora. It had been 2 hours and no one could tell me, father or mother anything. ~Damn slow fucking healers~ I thought. I looked over at my father and mother who were sitting calmly awaiting news. How can they be calm, when Alora was in one of the rooms dieing! No don't think like that, she is not dieing. It was probably just the stress from the past week. She would fine. As I walked by a wall I punched it angrily causing a large hole to form. Patients, healers, and my parents look at you.

~Way to go Draco. Way to make a scene.~ I thought.

"Sorry", I mumbled as I sit down. My hand was throbbing and bleeding slightly, but you took no notice. The only thing I were thinking about was Alora.


All of a sudden a healer walked over to the Malfoys.

"Mr and Mrs Malfoy, hello I am Dr Valeur." Draco jumped up from his seat.

"How is she/Is she ok/What happened?", he rushed.

"Draco please", Narcissa said.

"Yes. Miss Derch is ok now. The stress from the last week plus her lack of eating has made her very weak. While I was looking over her past records, I noticed that two years ago she was admitted into a clinic in Canada." The doctor explained. The Malfoys looked at him questionably. "You see the clinic she attended is for teens suffering from Anorexia Nervosa. A dangerous eating disorder. When she was admitted she weighed less then 80lbs and had not eaten sufficient amounts of food in 3 months. She was near death." Draco was in total shock. ~So this is what her brothers were worried about.~ The healer continued, "Her lack of food consumption this week led to a relapse. However she is stable now and we will continue to monitor her condition. She is in a deep coma like sleep right now, however I believe when she wakes up she will make a full recovery if we can get some food into her."

"Thank you doctor. When do you think she will wake up?" Lucius asked.

"That is unknown at the moment. I am truly sorry." He replied

"Can we go see her?" Narcissa asked, wiping a stray tear from her eye. The doctor nodded and led the Malfoys into a dimly lighted room.


My eyes fluttered open. Slowly I sat up in the bed that I were lying in. I had no idea where I was or why I was there. Looking around I noticed Draco was sound asleep in a chair that was by the bed. Suddenly I remembered what happened. I remembered collapsing at the cemetery. I knew right away where I was and why. I hated hospitals. Ever since being admitted 2 years ago, I had done everything possible to stay out of them. Again I glanced over at the sleeping Draco. ~Should I wake him?~ I contemplated, then decided against it. Lying back down I watched as his chest rose and with each steady breath. Hes so peaceful and so innocent I laughed to myself, ~Ha ha ha Draco innocent? Yes and the Dark Lord LOVES muggles.~ I closed my eyes and tried to fall back to sleep.

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