Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts # 21

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Chapter 21

Draco’s POV

I laid Alora in her bed and walked to the fireplace. Grabbing some Flo Powder in my hand I directed myself to Blaise’s house. I really had to talk to someone about a theory I had. Alora was acting way too weird since she had been Marked and it wasn’t right. I had looked at her tattoo and it still glowed a deep black while mine was a dark grey. Even after only a few hours all Death Eater’s tattoos should be a dark grey unless they were in constant calling to the Dark Lord then it would glow black. Why would Alora’s still glow black? Something was wrong and I was determined to find out.

Stepping out of Blaise’s fireplace I saw him sitting at a desk in the corner or his room.

“Blimey, Malfoy? What are you doing here mate?” He said standing and taking my hand.

“Something is wrong.”

His face dropped as I continued to tell him the Marking and Alora’s attitude. By the time we were done Blaise looked just as concerned as I felt.

“Draco, you idjit, think hard! Put two and two together. Why does her Mark glow brighter than yours, why does she seem to gain power and feel a pull towards Him?”

“I don’t know Zabini that’s why I’m here!” I shouted at him.

“Calm mate you have more important things to be pissed at. Like the fact your girlfriend is gaining power from The Dark Lord.”


“Ok think back to Defense Against the Dark Arts class. When we learned about Death Eaters, not that we needed to of course but still. Remember the part about back in the day when His Lordship was just starting out. He had that one Death Eater who was the closet to him, the first Death Eater.”

“Yeah I remember that but what are you getting at?”

“He tied the first to him closer than all the others. It was more than a blood tie. It was a power tie as well.”

“So a Horcruxe?” I asked.

“Sorta. Horcruxes are splitting the soul. This mark was splitting power. See the difference?”

“So what you are saying is Alora now holds a piece of The Dark Lords power?”

“Yes exactly.” Blaise said, worry drawn all over his face.

“Fuck! What do I do?” I asked pacing the room. Who knows what this means for Alora.

“Well first things first you need watch her carefully and not let anyone piss her off. She doesn’t know she has this power and it could lead to trouble if someone gets in her way.”

“Damnit, the party and Pansy!” I shouted punching the wall leaving plaster falling to the ground.

“Oi mate , mums gonna be pissed if she see that.”

“Sorry.” I mumbled and quickly spoke the incantation to repair the wall.

I paced Blaise’s room in silence for a few more minutes until I felt like I could not pace anymore.

“This is not going to turn out well is it?”

“I don’t think so mate.” Blaise sighed.

That night when I got home Alora was up and waiting. It was hard to look her in the eyes and not tell her what was going on, but until I knew how to stop it I couldn’t risk telling her.

“So are you ready for tomorrow?” I asked her as we sat down to dinner.

“As ready as I am going to be. I haven’t seen some of these kids in forever. Going to be weird ha ha.” She laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2011 ⏰

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