Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #5

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Chapter 5 up and running. To be honest this chapter was a little hard to write, so bare with me if it;s jumbled and messy. Thank you again for reading and I really do hope you enjoy it. I will post the next chapter as well as I am going away fro a few days and want tog ive you guys something to read


**********Normal POV**********

As Draco took my hand, the steel door opened causing me to jump. I felt Draco tense. A short bald man walked out. "Miss Derch? I am Dr. Brooks. I'm very sorry for your loss. If you follow me please I'll take you to them." Instead of answering him I followed along listening to him banter on his sympathy and the plans to ship the bodies to the funeral home in England. Finally we arrived in a cold room where four tables were lined up, covered in white sheets with what seemed like a large mass under all of them. I froze where I was, like glue had been poured on the floor. Draco nudged me a bit, causing me to let go of his hand. I walked slowly over to the nearest gurney. Slowly with trembling hands I gripped the white sheet that was covering the one mass. I gently pulled it back, revealing a boy, who if I hadn't known otherwise looked to be sleeping. It was Arbor. The smile that was usually plastered across his face was gone. All I saw was the pale death gray skin and the lifeless face. I gasped as the truth hit me like and out of control bludger to the chest. I looked around at the 4 gurneys, blond hair falling from under one cover which I knew then to be my mother. Trying to catch my breath I turned from my brothers body and ran towards the door. I felt Draco try to grab me but I pushed him away. Running though the door blinded by the tears I rushed through the hallway leading outside. There was no turning back. I made it outside in time to hear the thunder crash above me and the lightning light up the dark sky. I continued to run as I apparated back to England where it was dark and raining. I knew I was near the Malfoy Manor but I didn't want to go there. I continued to run until I reached a park Draco and I had visited as children. The rain started to fall harder making the ground slick. I slipped on a patch of grass and landed on my knees hands on the ground. Why me? Why did this happed to me? I cried. Why my family, Arbor and James had never hurt anyone how could they just be taken away. Soon the sounds of my sobs were gone, the only thing to be heard was the rain falling and the swings in the park swinging back and forth. I felt my heart aching but the warmth from the tears was gone. I had stopped crying, but for some reason I wasn't shocked. I had cried myself out. Crying wasn't going to bring them back and that made it hurt even more. My life had been ripped apart and if felt like nothing could make it better.

***************DRACO'S POV***************

Alora walked over to the first body. I couldn't watch. I couldn't watch as he gazed upon her brother's, body. I couldn't watch as her heart was ripped apart even more. I looked down at the cold cement floor. All of a sudden I heard her gasp and saw her run towards me. I tried to grab her but it was no use. Alora had run out. I quickly thanked the doctor, ~stupid fucking muggle~ I said as I ran after Alora. By the time I got outside it was raining hard and I saw no sign of her. "DAMNIT!" I yelled into the rain. I put my hands in my pockets and walked over to the curb and sat down. I had so much to think about. ~Why do I feel so differently about her. For the past 4 years she had been a serious bitch. One day we were best friends and then all of a sudden she stopped talking to me. She ignored me and didn't even want to visit anymore. She even went as far as to tell me she hated me. When she said that it hurt. Little did she know but I thought of her as more then a friend. I always liked her, but come on I'm Draco Malfoy. I am not one to express my feelings. Well other then hate and disgust. I had never told Alora how I felt. After she told me she hated me I broke. I became a total ass towards her and everyone around me. DAMNIT Draco stop thinking about her! It only brings back old feelings that you don't have time for!!~ I slowly got up from the curb. It was still raining but I didn't care. I started walking down the street, then suddenly apparated back to the manor. ~I'll wait for her here, she'll be back she just needs time~ I thought to myself as I walked up to my room.


Draco walked up to his room and pulled out a photo album. Just weeks before, his parents had told him that Alora and her family would be moving back to England, he had went in search of the old book. When he found it he looked through all the pictures of him and Alora. They all looked at him and smiled and waved, as if nothing had happened. That was made him miss her. Those pictures of old times had brought back so many feelings for her. Now Draco was determined to let her know. Just then the phone rang.


After what seemed like forever I stood up from the wet ground and started walking towards the manor. When I reached the house I saw that all the lights were on making it shine like a candle in the dark. Slowly I opened the door and walked in. It was quite, except for the sound of me dripping onto the marble floor. I didn't care that I was soaked or that I was leaving a trail of mud and water behind me. The house elves could clean it for all I care. I just wanted to go to my room and hide for the rest of my life. I walked towards the stairs and was stopped by the feeling of arms wrapped around me. It was Draco's mother Narcissa. She hugged me tightly ignoring the water seeping through her clothes. I tried to hug her back but was to numb with emotion to do anything. I was turned around to another set of arms which turned out to be Draco's father Lucius. "Alora my dear girl. We came home when we received Draco's owl. We are so sorry for your loss. Your parents were wonderful friends and loyal death eaters who loved you and your brother more then anything." Lucius whispered hugging me tightly. Narcissa sobbed as she gripped my shoulder. "You poor girl." she cried. "You're brothers loved you dearly Alora they all did. Please know that." Lucius continued. I could only manage a slight nod and a whispered thank you. They finally sent me on my way to 'get some rest'. As I made my way up the stairs I heard the sound of a door opening. I saw Draco standing at the top of the stairs in only a pair of black boxers. He must have just gotten out of the shower as I noticed water dripping slowly down his chest. I felt my heart skip a beat. He sure had grown up quite a bit and playing seeker at school helped him loose the baby flab alright. Even though Draco was naturally pale he still had a a tan to him which was evident on his toned abs and pecks. Shaking my head I cleared the thoughts of his body from my head and continued to walk to my room. Draco looked towards me as I walked by. "Alora I" he started before he was cut off by the slamming of my door. I didn't want to to talk to anyone, I just wanted to be left alone. I lied down on the bed still soaking wet but not caring and fell into a fit full sleep

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