Icy Eyes, Icy Heart #4

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A muggle police officer? Why was a muggle police officer calling me?

"Miss Derch my name is Andrew Horton. I am a detective with the Ontario Police Department. It is with sincere regret that I am to inform you that there has been an accident."

"An accident? What do you mean? What kinda of accident?" I asked quickly. This wasn't right muggle police officers don't call magic folk about accidents. I tried to keep talking but I could feel my throat start to tighten. This situation just wasn't right.

The officer continued, "About one 2 hours ago on highway 401 on route to Pearson International Airport a drunk driver was driving eastbound on the westbound lane. He collided with a semi-truck with resulted in a 6 car pile up. I regret to inform you that your families car was caught in the pile up and there were no survivors."

The minute I heard 'no survivors' I felt the phone drop from my hand and connect with the floor. Falling to my knees, I heard sobs escape from my throat, which lead to an all out scream.

Draco bent down and grabbed the phone off the floor. The last thing he wanted to do was talk to a diry muggle but he knew there was more information. He hurriedly spoke to the officer and hung up the phone. Walking over to Alora he picked her up and pulled her into his arms. He held her close as the wet tears socked through his shirt. He didn't protest, he just help her.

I felt Draco pick me up off the floor and pull me to his chest. My head was spinning and I couldn't stop sobbing. How could they be gone? They had been there for me through everything. How could they just be gone? Even 2 years ago when I thought my life was spinning out of control they were there. My parents with their wise words, and James with his long talks and watchful eye. Arbor with his jokes to make my tears disappear. Now what was I going to do? This had to be a sick joke, they couldn't be gone. We were supposed to start a new home, mom was supposed to call me tomorrow. I couldn't believe they were gone, I just couldn't.

For what seemed like forever Draco held me in his arms not saying a word. I knew his shirt was soaked with all my tears but he didn't seem to care.

"Draco, I need to see them." I whimpered looking up at him. "No Alora! You can't put yourself through this. Not right now. It will only hurt more." I looked up into his icy blue eyes and saw him looking at me with such sadness, sympathy, and even love. It shocked me a bit to see the love in the same ice eyes that looked at me with hate just years ago. "Draco please. I can't believe they are gone. I need to prove to myself it really isn't them." I buried my head back into his chest. Draco rested his chin on top of my head, "Fine but I'm coming with you." he replied. While I put my hair back up and tried to take the puff out of my eyes Draco called the police station to inquire of the whereabouts of my family. They gave him the address to a mortuary in Toronto. "Alora we'll go in the morning." "But!" "No. Listen we can't just apperate there now. They know we are in Europe, they need to think we flew down when we heard." "I understand." I said lowering my head. I just wanted to get it over with, not prolong it any longer. "Do you want some tea?" Draco asked. Nodding my head I walked back towards my bed. I watched as he walked out, then lying on the bed I pulled my knees to my chest and sobbed quietly, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Draco returned to Alora's room, tea in hand. As he walked in he saw her asleep on the bed. As she slept tears streamed slowly from her eyes. Putting the tea on the night stand, Draco grabbed a throw off the couch and pulled it over Alora. Looking down on her, he felt his throat get tight with emotion. How can someone so young have to deal with this, he thought to himself. He found himself placing his hand on her cheek as he gently moved a stray strand of hair from her face. "I promise you won't go through this alone." he whispered. With that he turned out the lights and went to send an owl to his parents to inform them of what had happened.

The next morning I awoke stiff and sore from the night before. It took a few minutes to realize that everything from last night was not a dream but real life. That realization rocked me to the core. Rolling over I noticed a blanket had been placed on me while I slept and on my night stand was a cup of tea. Draco. I thought and a small smile played on my lips. There was a knock on my door as Draco walked in. "Oh you're awake. I just wanted to know when you wanted to leave." "As soon as possible."

Thirty minutes later we appeared in front of the mortuary. We walked down the empty halls towards the crypt. I hugged myself tightly. It wasn't cold, but chills continued to run down my spine. Draco walked a few steps behind me, not speaking. In fact since we had left the manor, neither of us had dared to speak. Standing in front of a large steel door I looked over my shoulder at Draco. The sign above the door read "Crypt". I stood looking at the door not daring to go in. As long as I kept it closed I could keep on pretending they were still alive. All of a sudden I felt someone come up beside me. Looking over I saw Draco looking at the door in front of us. I knew if he wasn't there I wouldn't be able to do this. "Drake?" I said breaking the silence. He seemed shocked for a moment. "Will you come in with me?" I asked, feeling the tears I had fought so hard all day to keep at bay, fall down my face. Draco nodded as he took my hand in his. There we stood, hand in hand, in front of the only thing that hide the truth.

*************DRACO'S POV***********

"Drake?" Alora said. I looked at her puzzled. ~Did she just call me Drake?~ I thought to myself, I looked over at her. Her once beautiful crystal blue eyes were now a smoky gray. "Will you come in with me?", she whispered. I nodded. Of course I would go in with her. I didn't want to see her go through this alone. Just like her cat Valiant, I was there to help her through, but this time it wasn't a cat, but I would still be there for her. This time it was her whole world. I slowly took her hand in mine.

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