Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #18

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We arrived promptly at the mansion and were escorted in by a well-dressed house elf.

“Um Draco?”


“Why are these house elves wearing clothes?”

“Ah yes. Well the Martel’s house elves all work for them voluntarily.” Draco scoffed.

“Um ok then.”

“Exactly what I thought.”

As we walked through the doors I noticed that the children seemed to be ostracized to one area of the mansion while the adults were being led into what looked like a large ball room filled with tables and chairs.

“Master Malfoy, if you would please follow me into the chamber, the meeting will likely begin soon.” a house elf addressed Draco while looking right past me. Draco nodded slightly and took my arm as he began to walk towards the room with the adults.

“Madam I am sorry you are not permitted into the chambers, you will follow me into the events room with the other youth please.” the elf interrupted.

“Pardon me? Why can I not go with Draco?”

“Only adults are permitted in the chambers Miss.”

“Alora” Draco touched my hand as he noticed me becoming upset, “Just go on, I’ll be out in a jiff then we can leave if you want.”

“No Draco, I don’t understand why you get to go in but I do not, you’re the same age as me!”

“Miss I’m sorry but only heads of house and honoured representatives of a family are permitted into the chambers at this time. Master Draco is the Head of the Malfoy household until his parents return.” The elf answered looking quite frustrated at the situation.

“Heads of House?! And what am I? Chop liver?” I yelped.

The house elf went silent and seemed to be looking over my shoulder.

“What is this I see?” A snake like voice spoke behind me, sending shivers up my spine.

“What young wizard dares to wear the cloak given to a Death Eater?”

I turned slowly to face the person behind me, only to gasp in shock at the snake like face of the Dark Lord himself. I saw Draco bow his head respectively, however I was to stunned to follow suit.

“Ah not a wizard I see, but a witch. Do you know the cloak you wear is given in highest honour to only a few?”

I stood in silence.

“My Lord, please forgive my friend. The cloak belonged to her father who has recently passed” I heard Draco speak.

“Ah Alora Derch.”

“Yes my Lord” I stammered.

“Now I see the resemblance. You look much like your father. It has been so long since I last laid eyes on you child.”

I picked through my memories at warp speed trying to come up with a time I had ever seen the Dark Lord, but could come up with none.

“I’m sorry my Lord I will remove the cloak” I said kneeling as I unhooked the clasp of my fathers cloak.

I felt a cold hand touch my bare shoulder, “Do not be silly my child. You may wear it as long as you like. It will mark the beginning of your place in this order.”

I sighed deeply, the fear of losing the one thing I held dear of my father’s gone, replaced by a fear of the unknown his words had brought.

“Now elf, what is the meaning of this disturbance I have come across?”

“I’m sorry my Lord, the missus was trying to enter the chamber after Master Draco, I was only trying to escort her back to the event room with the other youth.”

“Other youth?!” I heard Voldemort voice rise. “Miss Derch is not another youth to be placed in the event room. She is the only remaining pure blood Derch in the wizarding world. She will be welcome into the chamber at any time she pleases. It is time for her to take her place in the order.” It seemed every word he spoke was a hiss filled with venom.

The house elf shook under the words and began to apologise profusely.

“Be gone creature, go on and do what you are to do. I will lead them myself to the chamber. You are dismissed.”

With that the house elf disappeared and Draco and I were suddenly following the Dark Lord to the chamber. As we walked in the conversations stopped and men and women around the room bowed down low. They eyed me suspiciously as I sat in the seat to the left of the Dark Lord. ‘What’ I thought. ‘He made me sit here don’t look at me like that’.

Everyone around us sat down and gave all their attention to the Dark Lord.

“Welcome everyone. Tonight is a special night. As we all know our order lost 2 very important members not long ago.” He glanced over at me as I looked down at the table. “However we have been blessed to have the last remaining member of the family join us today. Welcome Alora”

“Thank you my Lord” I mumbled.

“Tonight my loyal friends, is not like any other. Tonight we were to mark the first of a new generation of Death Eaters, however I think that with recent changes it is time to mark two.” The Dark Lord said putting his skeleton like hands on my shoulder suddenly. I heard Draco gasp as I looked up in shock.

“My Lord?” I asked puzzled at what he was saying.

“Yes my dear, tonight you will become one of us!” he yelled with pride as the room erupted in applause.

I quickly looked at Draco and saw fear and shock in his eyes.

Death Eater? Me? How could this be happening?

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