Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts 6

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Draco stood at the top of the stairs and watched Alora's door shut. He sighed in relief that she was finally home but knew that things we not going to all of a sudden get easier. Grabbing a sweater off his bedroom floor he made his way downstairs to where his parents sat in silence.




Lucius looked up to the doorway where Draco stood. "Draco? What would you like?"

N- "Is everything all right dear?"

D- "Yes mother yes father. Everything is fine. I saw Alora come in."

L- "Yes poor girl. She has lost everything. And the cause has lost 3 strong Death Eaters."

N- "Lucius! Please no business at a time like this."

L- "I'm sorry dear but it is true. The Dark Lord himself said so."

N- "Draco you look concerned. What is it dear? Is there something on your mind?"

D- "What will happen to her now that her parents and brothers are gone? She has no other family."

L- "Draco, my son. Must you ask such an absurd question? She will stay here of course. Your mother and I have already discussed it."

N- "It is the only reasonable thing to do dear. She is like a daughter to us, and we were the closest to her parents."

Draco felt his heart beat slightly faster at the thought of Alora living at the Manor.

"Very true. I just wanted to know. I'm sorry for asking."

"Don't be sorry Draco you're just worried about her. I remember how close you two were as children." Lucius replied.

"No Draco dear, go to bed. It has been a busy day for you both and the next week is going to be even busier with funeral plans."

"Yes mother. Goodnight Father, Goodnight Mother." Draco said as he walked back to his room.

For the next week leading up to the funerals, Alora only left her room a couple of times. She never ate anything, not even a little, and only drank water. She hadn't spoken to anyone except for the casual "hello, good morning", when she briefly came out of her room. Draco was worried about her. He had tried to talk to her but she always slammed her door in his face. He noticed that her eyes were never blue anymore, they seemed to be an ash gray. He grew more and more concerned as the days went on.


I woke up the morning of the funerals to a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Draco standing there. He wasn't wearing his usual jeans and a t-shirt. Today he was wearing a black suit with a black tie. "Hi" he said quietly. "Hi", I said with no emotion in my voice. "Mum wants me to tell you that we are leaving in 40 minutes", he replied. "Oh, ok, thanks", I started to close the door. "Alora wait!", Draco said. "What Draco?!" I said coldly. "Are you feeling ok, you look pretty pale" he asked. "I don't know how I'm feeling right now, with everything....", I tried to answer but all of a sudden Draco pulled me into a tight hug. I was shocked at first, but I put my arms around his neck. For the first time since the night of the crash I smiled. "Thanks Draco", I whispered into his ear. "You looked like you needed a hug", he said, "well I better leave you to get ready. I slowly closed the door and went in the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Draco was right, I looked really pale. All of a sudden my vision went blurry and my head started spinning. It felt like I was going to pass out. Holding onto the counter I tried to keep my balance. After about 5 minutes I could finally see straight and stand on my own.


I had decided to wear a dress my mother had bought me for a ball we had went to last winter. It was floor length, black and had long flowing sleeves. I put my fathers old black hooded cloak over it. The cloak still smelled like his cologne, which made my throat tight with emotion. Giving myself one last look over in the mirror I walked downstairs. Everyone was waiting. Narcissa gave me a soft hug. Her eyes allowing small single tears to escape her eyes now and then. After she let me go, we all apparated to the cemetery.

The funeral was short and respectful. All around the four coffins stood hundreds of my family's friends. Many whom were death eaters. Each person was holding four blood red roses. As the wizard that was preforming the ceremony finished, the sky went dark and rain poured down. Everyone walked quietly putting a rose on each coffin as they went on their way. As they passed me, they would put a hand on my shoulder briefly to show their sympathy. I took no notice. I couldn't take my eyes off the four black coffins that were the final resting places of my whole world.

Draco stood a bit away with his parents. He was watching Alora. It was raining pretty hard, but she took no notice. She just stood there all alone in front of her family's coffins. Draco took a step towards her but was stopped by a firm hand on his shoulder. He let his head drop knowing why he was stopped. "Let her be alone Draco. Let her say goodbye on her own.", his father said. Draco just nodded.

I continued to look at the coffins. Everyone was gone now, and I stood alone in the pouring rain. All of a sudden the tears I hadn't been able to cry since the night at the park came rushing back. I fell to my knees, not caring about the mud and dirt. i put your hands to my face, only to notice the black eyeliner dripping from my eyes. "Why did you leave me? Why couldn't you take me with you? You left me here alone!" I yelled. I laid my head on my fathers coffin and hugged it tightly. Looking up at the sky, "WHY!!? Why did you take them from me. Why did you leave me here to suffer?", I yelled, tears streaming down my face. The only reply was the sound of the rolling thunder. I let my head drop. The hood of the cloak falling over my head. I was soaking wet by now, but still took no notice, I just sat in the mud crying.

Draco continued to look at Alora, his heart breaking every second he watched her cry. He had heard every word she had yelled. He wanted to be there holding her in his arms, but at his parents request he stayed. Lucius and Narcissa noticed Draco's looks at Alora. They looked at each other, then to Draco, then to Alora. They were both thinking the same thing. Their son was in love. "Draco" his mother whispered. Draco looked at her. "Go to her. She needs you more then ever right now", she said giving him a hug.

The tears had slowed along with the rain, I sat on the ground thinking about my parents and brother, when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Draco standing above. Standing up I wrapped my arms around his neck. He held me close. "I'm alone Draco. No parents, no fmaily, no home. I've lost everything. Everything." I cried. "You haven't lost me" Draco whispered. I was shocked to hear him say it, but before I could say anything, my head started to spin and my vision started to become blurry. Grabbing Draco's arm I felt myself start to fall. "Draco?" "Alora? I'm here, it's ok everything is going to be ok." He replied as my world went black.

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