Icy Eyes, Icy Hearts #8

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CHAPTER 8*********************************************************************

As Alora closed her eyes, Draco stirred. For the past 2 weeks, Draco had stayed by Alora's side, waiting for her to wake-up. Little did he know, that just moments before she had been awake. He walked to the edge of her bed and gazed down on her. "Alora please wake up. Please. I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you when we were younger. I was just mad and hurt. One day we were best friends and then the next you were yelling at me telling me you hated me. Why do you hate me?" Draco sighed to himself as he stood up. He pulled the chair that he was sleeping on over to the bed and sat down. He put his head in his hands. "Alora I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. When we were little, you were the only person I thought of as an equal. I couldn't boss you around, and I don't think I could even now. All those times I put curses and hexes on you were horrible. I felt like shit every time I did it. I just wanted to make people think I had power. I wanted people to fear me. I wanted to make you notice me again. But instead I pushed you farther and farther away, I'm so sorry."

Draco jumped up and pounded the wall, "Ah Draco shut up. She is just a girl. You don't care about her. You don't care about anybody but yourself. Girls are only good for one thing, and one thing only. Your a Malfoy, you have no feelings." Draco said to himself. "No!, I do care about her. I always have and I always will. I wish I could tell her, I wish I could go back and change everything.""You know Malfoy if you keep talking to yourself people are gonna think your crazy." Alora laughed sitting up in bed.

I sat up slowly as my muscles felt stiff and sore. Draco turned towards me with a face as white as snow.

"Um Draco. Are you going to speak or have you seen a ghost?"I laughed.

"Alora!?", Draco yelped. He looked at me with horror flickering in his blue eyes. ~Shit how much did she hear?~ He thought to himself. Then it hit him, Alora was awake! "Father, Mother!" Draco yelled out the door. Lucius and Narcissa ran into the room.

"Oh Alora your awake!" Narcissa hugged me tightly.

"How are you feeling my dear?,"Lucius asked.

I could see a slight smile playing on his lips. "Fine sir, just very hungry", you replied.

"Well that is good news indeed." I heard a voice from behind Draco. "Hello Miss Derch. I am Dr Valeur. I assume you know why you are here."

"Yes sir" I said blushing. I was really ashamed to be in the hospital for making the same stupid mistake I had made 2 years ago.

"Well then lets get you some real food. And then I'll send a nurse in to do a check on you. Being asleep that long takes it's toll on a body. But soon enough if you start eating right you could go home by the end of the week."

"Thank you doctor for your help these past 2 weeks," Lucius said shaking the doctors hand.

"Wait! What? Pardon me? Did you say 2 weeks? There is no way I could have been asleep for 2 weeks." I screamed. I was mad. ~My precious summer~ I thought. There were only 3 weeks left until I started school.

"Yes dear, two weeks. You were very sick." Narcissa said.

"Oh. Sorry" I whispered.

For the rest of the day, I eat as much as my stomach would allow me to. The colour had returned to my face and my eyes were slowly but surely going back to blue. I still missed my parents and brothers, but I knew I couldn't sit around and dwell on it for the rest of my life. They would not be happy about that. They would want me to me happy, as hard as it may sound. The Malfoys had spoken to me about living with them and of course I had said yes. Where else was I supposed to go. I had no other family, they were the closest I had. I had yet to speak with Draco, but I really didn't mind. Everything I had heard him say was running through my mind the whole time. That night I fell asleep to thoughts of the young Malfoy himself. Two days after waking up the healers finally gave me a clean bill of health. After a few instructions to eat I was on my way to the Malfoys. On my way home. To start another chapter in my life.

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