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tommyinnit ; welcome home kid.

author pov

Tommy was just wandering around the woods around his tent when he got lost, it was freezing cold he regretted not bringing a coat with him. He was just hunting for animals to eat since nobody came to his birthday party.

he heard a twig snap, footsteps coming closer to him. Tommy brought out his weapon and aimed where he heard footsteps. it was just an artic fox

"that shit scared me what the fuck." Tommy spat out.

so he continued looking around to see if some house came to view but he found nothing. he decided it was best to start a fire there and stay the night in the freezing cedar and spruce forest.

he slept shivering, someone found him, they were overthinking things again

"what if he's gonna kill me when i bring him back to my home? what if when i treat his scars he'll kill me in my sleep?!"

but they moved aside the thinking the boy was freezing, shivering even. so they carried him on their mini sled and dragged him back to the cedar cabin.

fire was flickering, it was warm, Tommy didn't remember being warm in the forest.

he shot his eyes open sat up from the bed which clearly wasn't his and looked around to see a figure a tall figure to be exact, taller than him maybe 6'7? but that wasn't his concern, what he was concerned about was where was he?

"here have some hot chocolate, might help you warm up a bit. ' the taller man said with a soothing voice.

"who are you? and where am I?" Tommy asked the man.

"oh sorry my bad, Im y/n nice to meet you..?"

"Tommy. Tommyinnit."

"well nice to meet you Tommyinnit."

"so what happened how did I end up here?"

"about that.. when I was getting wood for my stove I came across you sleeping against a tree and I couldn't just leave you there to freeze to death so I lifted you up and put you on my sled and dragged you here."

"oh. well thank you but why did you put bandages on my face and arms?"

"well I saw your untreated scars so I patched you up. untreated scars could lead to infection."

"how do you know that?"

"well I'm a doctor.. well ex-doctor.."

"why ex?'

"well I quit due to personal reasons.."

"oh okay.. well when can I take these bandages off?"

Tommy looked at his bandaged hands.

"you can take them off in a week. but in the mean time hear are some clothes you can wear and food is on the table if you want some?"

"yes please.."

for the past week Tommy stayed in Y/N's cedar cabin to heal his wounds and strenghten up due to mild dehydration.

Tommy enjoyed staying at the older male's house as it reminded Tommy of when he was just a kid in Phil's home.

when Tommy fully recovered he was sad that he had to leave the male who treated tommy as his own son but he had too because he just couldn't leave his place.

"well, i guess this is goodbye, tommyinnit."


"just remember that you can always come back and visit."


Tommy exclaimed excitedly as he was going to be able to visit Y/N again.

"yeah! but you look like you want to go home, perhaps to your family?"

"but i don't have a home to go back to.."

"well.. then you can live here, with me."

"then i choose to stay here, with you!"

"well then. welcome home, tommyinnit."

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