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dreamxd ; never meant to.

" centuries before the humans had existed. there lived gods, gods who ruled together in harmony and peace.

each god has roles.

The God Of Death, Creation or Life (animals and humans), Nature, Weather, Sun, Moon, Galaxies, and Love.

this particular day, The God of Life had fallen inlove with the Goddess of Love.

both had confessed, and had a relationship. soon after got married, they had children but soon The God of Life had created the first life forms on the planet, Earth.

also knowns as animals and humans.

but they had still ruled the planets and Galaxies, making peace with other gods and demigods.

life was alright for them, but as some of you know that humans were greedy, so greedy. that they'd kill for fame and fortune.

and they did, but they killed the wrong person. oh how sad the God of Life had been when his wife died due to humans.

and with that he sent the humans in the underground, also known as the Inferno. where bad people go to when deceased.

it was also called Hell.

the humans had lived there for decades until one had found a way out.

as they got out the inferno, gods had been long gone. they had left the earth long ago, as they were 'finished' with their duties.

some had died, some had caught illnesses that couldn't be cured.

and one had lived a healthy but lonely and sorrowful life. without his wife he wasn't what he was before.

he wasn't himself.. without his wife, he couldn't live the same happy and joyful life he lived before she died.

he cried for the first time. he thought crying was pathetic for male humans and gods. but he cried.

the next few years he weeped and weeped, until he died from crying over his dead wife. although she was watching over him, she still wanted to be with him. to feel him, to have him by her side.

and now he was.

and now..

he was with her.

he was, happy. the end."

"now little lamb.. its time to sleep" puffy said as she closed the book.

"but mama! im still not sleepy!" dream whined.

"lalalalala" the baby named drista sang.

"it's almost midnight little lamb, and its past bedtime. now time to sleep" puffy said and pulled over the cover over the two wastaken siblings.

"hmp!" dream puffed out angrily.

"fine! I'll go to bed! but mama.. promise us you'll read it again tomorrow! pleaseee!!" dream pleaded as well as drista.

"hmm.. alright little lamb, now go to bed.. we have a big day tomorrow! its your birthday! now go to sleep.. "

puffy said lovingly, she kissed the foreheads of her children and walked to the door closing the lights before leaving.

━ 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗗, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧. ᵐᶜʸᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now