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tommyinnit ; what was your name?

tommy's pov.

it has been over a month since Y/N passed, i miss them. if it weren't for those stupid pillagers they would've been with me right now.

i walk around kinoko kingdom to find karl's book that let's him travel in time.

maybe i could use it to go back to where me and Y/N first met..

i touched the book with the swirl pattern, i suddenly felt nauseous.

and everything around me turn into mixed colors of blue, purple, orange and a tint of pink.

was this really happening? was i gonna meet Y/N again? maybe try to save them?

then, everything went black. i felt numb, i couldn't move my body, i couldn't open my eyes, i couldn't move my fingers. then i heard someone.

"hello? are you ok?"

that voice sounded familiar.. too familiar.


i heard a small gasp, maybe they was suprised i knew their name, maybe i looked different now, that's why they don't know who i am. fucking god, ithink i messed up. i don't even know what time im in.

"what.. what day is it today?"

"its August 6th 2021, why'd you ask?"

so this is the day they were going to die to pillagers. I'll try to protect them.

i stood up, my head was still aching from the experience of traveling through time.

"ugh my head.."

"uhh, i think i have pain killers back at my home."

author pov.

Y/N walked on the mossy stone path leading to their home or lake house, tommy was behind them when he tripped over a rock.


tommy cried out with his palm bleeding crimson red blood. Y/N ran to him, ripping a piece of their brown shirt. wraping the pice of cloth on tommy's palm

"is your hand good now?"

".. yeah, umm thanks i guess, but you didn't need to rip your shirt."

"its fine, i have many shirts at home.. now come on, stand up here let me help you up."

Y/N held out their rough hand out to tommy, tommy held Y/N's to help him stand up. once he stood up he stood still.

"come on, its almost evening. mobs will spawn."

they ran to the lake house and closed the shiny cedar door that was recently coated with varnish. Y/N made tommy sit down the leather chair and wait for them to come back.

and Y/N walked away to another room.

tommy looked around the medium sized lake house, it was surrounded with beautiful clear blue water, and there was a small water fall infront of the big window.

tommy never came to Y/N's home before but he somehow felt safe here, then he remembered he was supposed to protect Y/N, how could he forget.

tommy looked through the window to see a group of people with enchanted crossbows and one with a banner.

maybe those were the pillagers that killed Y/N. he must protect them. tommy yelled for Y/N to hide and Y/N did. tommy then searched for a weapon in one of Y/N's chests.

he found a diamond sword that almost full durability, and a shield enchanted with unbreaking and mending.

tommy waited by the door to see the pillagers infront the varnished cedar door.

the one with the banner shouted and the pillagers with crossbows started to push the door but the next minute the door stopped moving. everything became quiet.

tommy checked the keyhole to find a single figure standing on the porch of the house. the figure was familiar..

it was.. GEORGE??

then tommy remembered. Y/N was a close family member of george. tommy then realized, you lose your memory when you use the book. he forgot.

Y/N came back from hiding, and was surprised to see george here.

"i was gonna visit but i saw some company on your porch, sorry for the mess" george said blankly.

Y/N looked on the porch to see pillagers in pools of crimson blood.

"thanks george.. oh--! come in you must be cold."

george came in the house and took off his shoes, he walked past tommy and went to the kitchen.

Y/N apologized for his behavior and gave tommy clean clothes and proceeded to bandage his wounds.

tommy noticed that his hand was fading away, it was almost transparent. Y/N too noticed this and gasped quietly.

tommy was disappearing, Y/N went to grab him but he completely disappeared from their eye sight.

"i didn't even get his name."

"he looked so familiar.."

━ 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗗, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧. ᵐᶜʸᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now