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wilbur soot ; were you nervous? (2)

author pov.

wilbur was trembling of nervousness this was the first date he was going to attend to after he broke up with his recent girlfriend.

phil was calming him down, reassuring him that everything would go smooth, techno was still reading his books and tommy was shouting in his room.

he didn't know what to do next. was he supposed to dress nice in the first date? he forgot. but phil was there to help him dress in a nice suit, phil gave him the suit he used when he married kristin on their wedding day.

wilbur said that he was just going to find casual clothing, but! phil said no and insisted wilbur on taking the suit. which wilbur finally agreed.

wilbur was just outside Y/N's home, he stepped on the gravel path and knocked on the door painted white.

he heard someone shout.

author pov.
y/n's view.

on y/n's side, they were much more calm. since they have done first dates multiple times already, they thought they knew everything about first dates but! what they didn't know was that wilbur's turn was very much different from the others.

y/n heard a knock on the door, they assumed it was wilbur and shouted for him to wait a minute.

3 minutes past and they were downstairs already, just fixing up their hair and patting the long dress they were wearing. y/n wears alot of long dresses because they are insecure about their body.

y/n opened the door to expect wilbur in casual wear as their past dates wore, but he came in a suit and a tie which surprisingly match the color of y/n's dress.

they walked to the restaurant since wilbur didn't own any vehicles. y/n wasn't sad about it though, they were happy since they got to know each other better on the way to the restaurant.

wilbur opened the door and let y/n walk in first.

wilbur pulled the wooden seat very carefully, afraid of scrapping the beautiful varnished wood floor that shined under the ceiling light.

y/n thanked wilbur then took a seat. wilbur walked to his seat and sat down.

y/n ordered a buttered steak with fries on the side, and wilbur ordered a fried salmon. as they waited for their food.

wilbur kept on staring at other things, he didn't want to be rude by looking at y/n too long. it made him think that they would get uncomfortable

while y/n was looking through their purse to find a napkin.

y/n excused themselves and headed for the bathroom to retouch the bit of makeup they had.

wilbur was getting impatient with the food, he crossed his long arms and tapped his foot on the floor.

when y/n came back the waiter followed with the food, they thanked the waiter and began eating.

"so.. uh-- how was your day y/n?"

y/n took a couple of seconds to respond since they were still chewing on the well done steak.

"my day has been good wilbur.. how about your day?"

"my day was good aswell, and please.. call me wil, wilbur is too formal."

"ok then, wil."

y/n smiled.

as they left the restaurant, they're hands slightly touched. just slightly. y/n couldn't feel it, but wilbur did. but, wilbur didn't hold y/n's hand.

when they walked back to y/n's home, y/n reached in their purse and pulled out a rusted silver key. wilbur said good bye and started to walk away, but y/n called out to wilbur.

"wil! wait a minute!"

y/n sprint-walked to wilbur and held the suit in their hands, y/n pulled the suit to kiss wilbur on the cheek then ran to the house.

wilbur was blushing, he couldn't believe that his crush kissed him on the first date! he put his hand on his cheek where y/n had kissed him.

he looked at y/n's house one more time, then left.

━ 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗗, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧. ᵐᶜʸᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now