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wilbur soot ; a noisy family (3)

incomplete due to allegations)


after the simple date wilbur proposed to have ended, he walked home quickly. his expression clearly showing happiness from what recently happened.

he had received a kiss from the person he crushed on, y/n.

after the short walk from y/n's home, he arrived at his house. it was more quiet than usual he had to admit, as he pulled out a small silver key out of his leather wallet, he inserted the key and twisted the silver knob open.

as he turned around to walk to the living room, he was met with his family members, consisting of Mumza, Phil, Tommy, Techno, and Tommy's friend tubbo.

"what the hell!? guys you almost made me have a heart attack.." wilbur said as he pulled his glasses from his face and rubbed them on his white shirt and swiftly put them back. his hair still a little fluffy and curly.

"so how was your date dear? was it good? was she pretty?" all kinds of questions released infront of him.

"one at a time please." wilbur said sternly to his family.

"well I'd like to ask first if you all won't mind." Mumza was first to speak, "how was your date dear? did you have fun?" Mumza said as she held her son's cold and sweaty palms.

"my date went great mama, she even kissed me!" wilbur said beaming with joy.

"SHE-- YOU-- YOU TWO WHATT???" tommy interupted the small wholesome moment.

"tommy. we talked about this, inside voice please." phil said as he turned around to face the teenage boy.

" sorry phil, but--! " tommy said before getting cut off by technoblade.

"tommy shut up" technoblade said with his usual monotone voice but with a hint of sadism.

"you shut up techno! i wasn't talking to you" tommy argued back.

"come here you little--" technoblade said

"anyways, dad. the suit is in good condition." wilbur said to phil.

"that's good son, now why don't you go upstairs and get some rest?" phil said to wilbur.

"good night mum, dad"

━ 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗗, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧. ᵐᶜʸᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now