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tommyinnit ; aren't you my friend?

tommy's pov

i walked through the snowy grass path to techno's house.

suddenly i heard a snap of a twig.

i grabbed my axe and held it in front of my body, gripping the wooden handle covered in cloth.

it was a silhouette of a kid, a little kid. they seemed to stand at 5'0, they wore a long dorry white gown that reached to the knees. it looked like a hospital gown.

i remained still, keeping my guard up, as they might attack me. but as soon as they stepped out the woods they collapsed on the snowy grass.

i almost yelped. i ran to the kid to find them still breathing but they were unconscious. the breathing seemed fade and their skin was cold as an Icecicle.

i picked the kid and ran to techno's house afraid the kid might die of hypo-- i don't know i forgot. it was something techno said to me months ago.

i knocked on the door and almost instantly the door opened to see a worried man.

it was phil? where's techno?

"phil?? what are you doing here?" i said curiously.

"oh! tommy.. i thought it was tech-- wait. who is that kid your carrying??" phil said half suspicious of the immature teen.

"i found them near the forest, they collapsed in front of me!" i said.

"well don't just stand there! get in." phil hurriedly pushed me inside the house.

"here put this blanket over them, it should keep them warm til' i make warm food." phil said.

we sat there on the wood floor since techno's house didn't have any type of furniture other than chests and potion brewers.

the kid woke up and i found out that their name is y/n, they looked scared at first but i told them it was safe here.

they told me and phil that they had escaped out a lab, all they remembered was they were in a large tube in a dark room, the only light that was illuminating was the tube next to them with another person that looked like y/n.

it's been 3 months now, y/n was still staying at techno's house.

they had learned how to fly with the golden wings they had on their back.

phil had taught them how to fly a little, before phil went away to continue his journey around this little world.

when phil had left, i was alone with no one but the kid i saved, techno was away and phil was gone too.

i had grown overprotective y/n, i never let them near anyone. not even tubbo or ranboo.

i was afraid they might take away y/n.

i had even resorted to killing people who almost hurt y/n.

━ 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗗, 𝗦𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧. ᵐᶜʸᵗˢWhere stories live. Discover now