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I stroke my boyfriend's hair.

"How was your day sweetheart?" He whispers.

"Uneventful. Better now that you're here." I say with a cheeky smile.

"You dork." He scoffs.

"You love it." I whisper.

"You know it." He says with a wink.

Bert is the love of my life. My hands trail down his arms, my hands hold his.

We swayed back and forth. It looks like we're dancing, but there's no music.

I could spend my whole life like this.

I wish I could prance around and gush about Bert to all of my friends, but I don't have friends like that. They don't want to hear about my relationship. So, I just haven't told any of them.

Ray would roll his eyes and talk about something else, love grosses him out. Mikey would flip his shit, just protective younger brother things. Bob would ignore me, as he does. Frank... He would go crazy. He would be happy, but be very dramatic about it all. Frank is... Portective. I really appreciate it, but at times it's a little much. Sometimes his protectiveness comes off as jealousy.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't see Bert lean in. Before I know it, his lips are on mine. We've done this hundreds of times before, it was familair.

The familiar feeling became fear when I heard the front door to the left of us open. Who the fuck just walked into my house?

We didn't have time to push each other away before Ray saw us. His eyes went wide.

"Gee?" Ray questions.

"Uhm... Yeah?" I nervously say.

"Should... Should I leave?" Ray stays frozen in place.

"No... It's fine. D-Did you need to talk?" I removed myself from Bert.

"I just wanted to say hi... I'm just gonna leave. So... Bye?" Ray backs out of the house.

I groaned when the door shut.

"It's fine baby," Bert's hands wrap around my waist, "Ray won't be upset. Your friends won't be either."

Bert doesn't get it.


FIRST CHAPTER! I'm super excited about this, so happy you decided to read this book!

Thank you!


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