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Frank fell asleep in my arms. I carried his small body into his room and placed him on his messy bed.

When I opened the bathroom door a bored Gerard came into view.

"Took you long enough." Gerard says.

"So... Do you want to explain what happened?" I ask. I'm still not understanding what went down.

"Frank said he loved me. Simple as that." Gerard says as he sits on the ledge of the bathtub. He looks stressed, worried even.

"What did you do after that?" I ask.

"We kind of froze. Frank stood in the same spot, I stared at him until I couldn't handle it anymore. I just left." He looks embaressed. He knew he messed up.

"Why did you-" I got cut off.

"I dumped Bert. I knew Bert wasn't meant for me, I was just selfish." Gerard whispers. He rubs his temple to calm himself down.

I sigh and sit next to him. I rub my hand on his back.

"I think..." Gerard trails off, "I think I- I don't know Ray. Do I..." Gerard sighs in frustration.

"Do you what?" I ask Gerard.

"Do I love him?" The black haired boy finally spits it out.

"That's not for me to decide. Do you think you love him?" I question.

"I barely know what love is. I thought I loved Bert, but I was wrong. I get a different feeling with Frank. Is that feeling love?" Gerard whispers.

"Explain it to me." I staate.

"I don't even know how to. I... I think he's amazinng, he's a dork but I don't mind. We just... We just click. I don't know. Does that sound stupid? God, what am I even doing?" It's strange watching someone at their breaking point. Gerard is on the verge of breaking down, and I can see that.

"It isn't stupid. Your feelings aren't stupid." I reason with Gerard.

"Why didn't I realise sooner? I put Frank through so much shit, didn't I? God, he probably hates my guts." Gerard sighs.

"He doesn't hate your guts, he might dislike your guts right now. But not hate." I say with a small smile.

"That helps." Gerard chuckles as he rubs his eyes.

There's a short pause before Gerard turns to look at me.

"Should I talk to him?" Gerard asks. He breath stinks of cigarettes, it's a coping mechanism he has. Something goes wrong? Smoke the pain away.

"Do you love him?" I ask.

Gerard doesn't even think, he nods his head.

"Talk to him." I give him a pat on the back before standing up.

"He's asleep in his room right now." I say before I exit the bathroom.



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