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Small barks woke me up. I stumbled out of bed and practically crawled into the living room.

Sweet Pea was in front of the door and releasing small barks.

I cracked open the door and saw Gerard.

"I got you gourmet fucking fruit gels." Gerard hands me the small bag of fruit gels.

I chuckle at the black haired boy.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Six am." Gerard states like it's no big deal.

"You woke me up at six am? I appreciate the fruit gels, but I'm gonna go back to bed." I say with a sleepy smile.

"They're not just fruit gels-" I shut the door, "They're gourmet!" I hear him shout from outside.

I chuckle as I place the fruit gels on the kitchen counter and walk my way back to bed.



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