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Flowers sat on my porch. Just flowers. I was never a flower person, but these... These are beautiful. They're big and bright, they bring life into my dull house.

The flowers sat proudly in a glass of water.

I don't know who dropped the flowers off until I was walking out my house and looked at my front door.

A piece of paper was taped the the door. I hesitated reading it.

Hi Frank. It's Gerard.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you through all this shit. I want to show how much I care for you. I know you're not a flower person, but these were too beautiful to resist. They remind me of someone...

(It's you who they remind me of, just so you know. You probably knew what I was getting at but I'm already writing all of this down in pen so there isn't going back. God, I sound like an idiot.)

Expect more things to come.

Yours truly,

I caught myself smiling at the note. The black haired boy is so dorky.

Every part of my brain is telling me to throw it away, that he doesn't mean what he's saying. But, another part of me does believe him. Or at least wants to believe him.

I put the note in my back pocket and continue on with my day, a small smile always on my lips.



WHY WOULDN'T I CARE?- FerardWhere stories live. Discover now