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Gerard stood at my front door with two tickets in his hand.

"Tonight, you, me, and the Misfits. Sounds good? I know you'll say yes." Gerard says with a large smile.

"Holy shit!" I practically jump into Gerard's arms.

"Why are you doing all of this for me?" I ask as I let go of the tall boy.

"You deserve it. Get dressed we're leaving in a hour." Gerard says with a smile.


Our attire matched quite nicely. Black pants, leather jackets, and random band shirts we picked up off the floor.

The parking lot was packed. We passed by elders wanting to live a little more, teenagers, parents that brought the teenagers, middle aged dudes with beards, metalheads, and old men that probably ask girls to name three songs from the musician on their shirt.

We eventually found a parking spot, you could feel the excitment in the car.

Gerard parked the car and turned to look at me. "Are you ready?" He asks.

"More than ready." I respond, but neither of us move.

We are practically locked in this positin, our eyes don't leave each others.

Gerard brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, like how hot dudes do it in movies.

"Can I-" I cut Gerard off, I already know what he's gonna say.

"Yes." I whisper.

Our lips meet. The dark car erupts with color. My eyes are closed but I feel like I can see everything.

I've been waiting for this for years.

I don't even realise how crazy this all is until Gerard's hand touches my cheek. I realise that this is real life. I'm kissing Gerard. Gerard is kissing me. Holy shit.

I nearly forget that I'm about to see my favorite band in a matter of minutes.

This is turning out to be the best day of my life.



That's a wrap! Thank you so much for reading!

If you liked this, please check out my other books.

I write Ferard/Frerard, Reddie, Maylor, and Drarry.

Thank you!


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