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I can feel the tension when I walked into Frank's house. Ray, Frank, Mikey, and Bob all stared at me. But, Frank and Ray had an extremely different looks on their faces than the other two boys.

Mikey and Bob look calm, relaxed. Ray looks ashamed, his mouth is twisted and his eyes don't look into mine.

Frank on the other hand. He looks furious. If looks could killl, I'd be dead on the floor. But, he also looks... Vulnerable. Upset even. Like he could break down sobbing at any second.

"Hey." I plop onto Frank's couch next to Bob. A shitty dollar store horror movie played on the TV.

"What are we watching today?" I ask.

"The Bathtub. Ray found it on the sidewalk so we thought we should watch it." Mikey explains.

"You found this on the sidewalk?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yep." Ray quietly says as he sinks into his chair.

Ray always find the weirdest shit. One time he found a whole drumset on the side of the road.


The movie was awful. Ketchup blood, party store knives, the same actors playing different characters but in wigs. It was shit.

We were all laughing, hysterical laughing. But, Frank wasn't. He would chuckle every once in a while. But, for the most part, he was silent. Ray tried to act normal, but it was obviously fake laughter.

It's kind of freaking me out.


"Do you have any beer?" Ray, Bob, and Mikey already left the house. I decided to stay for a bit.

"Yeah." He simply says.

I pull out a cold beer and flop onto the couch.

"So... I heard you have a boyfriend now." Frank says after a long moment of silence.

"Oh?" Fucking Ray. That's why he was acting weird. I hope he just told Frank. "Why do you care?" I ask.

This lit something in Frank. His eyes flickered with so many different emotions.

"Why wouldn't I care?" Frank's voice slightly raises from his quiet tone.

"I don't know, you tell me." I say as I sip my beer.

Frank stands up, his hands are shaking.

"Because you didn't tell me Gerard! We've been friends forever. You didn't tell me!" Frank yells. But, he still looks angry. He has more he's hiding.

"Why does it matter?" I normally wouldn't ask that question in this kind if situation. But, I need to get Frank to say more, he obviously has more to say.

"It just does. Okay? Y-You can't start dating people and not tell me! That's just messed up. I've told you all my secrets!" Frank shouts.

"Have you?" I simply ask.

"You want me to tell you? You want me to? Fine then. I love you. I'm in love with you, you fucking asshole!" Frank yells, his hands made him very animated. They were flying all over the place.

I pause. He's... In love with me?

"What?" I sit up from my comfortable position on the couch.

"I'm in love with you! I have been since the sixth grade you dick!" Frank's breathing is alarmingly fast.

None of this makes sense. But, it makes so much sense.

Why do I not mind Frank being in love with me?




WHY WOULDN'T I CARE?- FerardWhere stories live. Discover now