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I pace around my house preparing myself for the next gift. What could it be?

I was about to check the porch when I heard a light knock.

When I creaked open the door I saw multiple men all wearing red and white striped suits and white top hats.

"Hello?" I say in a state of shock.

One of the men clears his throat and they start doing acapella. It's a fucking barber shop quartet.

I'm in such a state of shock that the words they are saying go right over my head. I barely understand what is happening until the song is over and one of the men hands me a note. They are gone in a flash.

Hey Frank.

I didn't know I could be this cheesy, but here I am. I would say I hope you enjoyed it, but I know you did.

Yours truly,

I laugh in disbelief. Gerard hired a barbershop quartet for me? Yeah, it was cheesy, but I loved it. I can admit that to myself.



WHY WOULDN'T I CARE?- FerardWhere stories live. Discover now