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"Frank? You okay?" I sit down next to the short boy. He looks like shit. He looks exhausted and beat down.

"Yeah." Frank's voice cracked.

"Bullshit. What happened?" I knew I shouldn't have left Gerard and Frank alone.

There was a short moment of silence.

"I told him I loved him. I fucking said I love him, to his face." Frank was getting worked up.

I'm not shre what I should do. Do I comfort him? Do I tell him to calm down? Do I let him keep talking?

I know my answer when I her short sobs from Frank.

I scoot closer and pull Frank into a tight hug. His crying sped up and he couldn't control it anymore.

His tears wet my shirt and his grip became tighter.

"Um... Am I walking in on something?" A voice behind me said.

I turn around, Frank didn't seem to notice the voice.

It's Gerard.

My eyes widen in shock.

I point to the bathroom. My lips mouth 'go in the bathroom.'

He got the message and quietly tip toed to the bathroom.



WHY WOULDN'T I CARE?- FerardWhere stories live. Discover now