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What do I do? I just sit on the ledge of the bathtub.

Is this some sick joke? Sometimes I feel like my life isn't even real, like it's just a story some author is making up in their head.

How can this be happening to me?

My thoughts get cut off when the bathroom door opens.

"What the fuck?!" A startled Frank shouts.

"Frank, it's just me." I try to calm down the short boy.

"Jesus Christ. Don't scare me like that." Frank sighs. "What the fuck are you doing in my bathroom?" Frank questions.

"I... I don't know." I get up from the bathtub I was perched on.

"Well..." It was starting to get awkward. Frank was swaying back and forth and fidgeting with his hands.

"Why-" I cut Frank off.

"I dumped Bert." I state.

"Who's Bert?- Oh..." Frank trails off, the realization hits him. "Why?" He asks.

"I... I don't know. Well, I do know. But, I dont? Fuck." I rub my temple.

A small chuckle escapes Frank's lips.

When I look up there's a smile on his lips but tears in his eyes.

"I fucked this all up, didn't I?" I whisper.

Frank doesn't say anything, he doesn't even move.

I sigh, "I-" I was about to confess my feelings for Frank before he cuts me off.

"Don't. Don't try to say you love me just because I said it." Frank's voice shakes.

"Frank... I... Sit down." I say.

"I'm not sitting on my bathroom floor, come on." Frank leads me down to his living room.

We sit down on the couch, a safe distance seperates us.

"Should I talk?" I ask.

"Sure." Frank whispers.

"I think... I really like you Frank. I don't know what love is, but I feel like... Connected to you? Does that sound stupid? All I know is that what I had with Bert wasn't true. He was just someone to fill space in my life. I feel a stronger connection with you. A feeling ten times stronger than any other feeling I have ever felt. Now, I can't confidently say I love you. But, I can say that I like you. A lot." I end my small rant.

"Are you being honest?" Frank whispers.

"Yes. Completely honest." I state.

"Okay." Frank turns to look at me.

"Okay what?" I ask.

Frank just smiles.



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