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Ray ran up my porch and swung my door open. His worried expression made my heart rate speed up.

Whaa if something happened to a friend? What if something happened to Gerard?

"Frank!" Ray puts his hands on his knees and panted. His breathing was fast and uneven.

"Did you run here?" I question.

"Does it look like I walked? Yeah I fucking ran here!" Ray wiped the sweat dripping off his forehead.

"Gee has a boyfriend." Ray quietly says.

I heard him loud and clear. Gerard has a boyfriend.

"Oh... That's cool." I lie. I want to sink into this couch and never come back up.

Gerard has a boyfriend. Gerard has a boyfriend. Gerard has a boyfriend.

Gerard doesn't want me.

Shit, maybe I don't want Gerard. Maybe I've been lyeing to myself this whole time. I don't like Gerard.

Bullshit, I can't lie to myself like that. But, what if it isn't a lie? What if my brain lyed to itself? Gerard is just an attractive friend that I have zero feelings for.

Yeah, he's just a perfect friend with perfect hair, perfect lips, perfect eyes, perfect clothes, perfect hands. But, he's just a friend. He has a boyfriend.

Who am I kidding? I'm in love with that black haired dick.



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