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I can't even remember why I was so mad at Gerard. This dog made me completely forget why I was so upset.

Sweet Pea laid in my lap, I gave her small pets against her coarse hair.

The front door creaked open. Ray peaked in the living room and grined.

"So, this is Sweet Pea?" Ray asks.

"Isn't she adorable?" I say as I scratch in between her ears.

"She's precious. Gerard told me to give this to you." Ray hands me a peice of paper and a container of mixed nuts.

Hey Frank.

Nothing can beat the dog I got you, so I decided to get you some mixed nuts. Enjoy.

Your truly,

I smile at the note.

"Kinda of strange for him to be gifting you nuts, but whatever." Ray says as he sits next to me.

It's strange, but it's sweet.



WHY WOULDN'T I CARE?- FerardWhere stories live. Discover now