AN: no not timothee chalamets character we talking about the OG christian bale laurie <333 thanks for the request daveswaterbottle i LOVE christian bale <333
"You can't wear your hair naturally to an event as sophisticated as this one, Y/N!" Meg said rolling her eyes at me. After what Jo did to her hair I didn't want to curl mine.
"I can curl it, Y/N." Amy offered. I didn't know if she was much better of a choice. Maybe....
"My hair looks fine the way it is. Just let me go like this, please?" I begged her not wanting to take any chances. Meg cleared her throat before waving me off as a sign that it was in fact fine with her. I smiled before straightening out my purple dress and pulling my bangs out to be seen more.
"Can't I go?" Beth asked. She was never one to complain. Mother shook her head no and left her with a small frown. That night... we all left for the dance. I was nervous beyond what was considered normal. I didn't know who to dance with or who to speak to. Meg knew about that. I didn't know a thing.
It was loud and crowded. Many overlapping voices and many woman dancing with very handsome men. I was beyond uncomfortable. Meg had found someone to dance with, and Jo was standing around avoiding anyone that tried to dance with her. I was pretty much doing the same. I didn't want to dance with anyone.
I hid behind the gowns and people trying to avoid being seen by anyone, or anything. I was completely insecure here. I stumbled back behind a curtain and fell right into someone.
"Oh, goodness, I'm sorry. I- um, I wasn't watching—" I hadn't even looked at the person I carelessly knocked into. I scrambled to thing of my words but he cut me off.
"Don't apologize...." he trailed off. It was a he... and when I looked into his eyes. I realized a very nice looking he. I swallowed hard feeling this sensation in my eyes when I looked at him. He was unbelievably good looking. And besides that.... my neighbor, Laurie. The one who I didn't ever get a chance to really look at and analyze, "what's that game you were playing?" He asked with a laugh.
I'm sure he was referring to me wandering around like an idiot not dancing with anyone.
"Oh, I don't know," I laughed, "but I think I won. All these men look terribly inexperienced." I shook my head with a small smile. Laurie laughed himself before standing up from his seat and holding his hand out to me. I took it with a confused look and he gently pulled me out the room and out back to the window. I looked at the glistening white snow on the ground.
"Beautiful isn't it?" I said looking at the lamp posts lighting the snow. Laurie smiled and sighed before looking over to me. I could almost feel my nerves shaking from my skin. Like they were bouncing from one arm to the other.
"Reminds me of someone...." he trailed off still looking at me. I felt my cheeks burn up as I made eye contact with him. I couldn't believe the words he'd just said. He thinks I'm beautiful....
"Oh, thank you, Laurie. I don't know what to say." I felt flustered.
"Nothing. Don't say anything at all." He said in a velvety voice. I felt like melting into nothing staring into his beautiful eyes. I had never really noticed how beautiful he was himself, "just.... can I ask you something. It might be uncalled for... but I have to ask."
I nodded.
"Can I.... can I kiss you, Y/N? There's something telling me I must...." he asked. I couldn't describe the feeling. I couldn't. It's like the butterflies you get in your stomach were in my heart. My heart felt like it was lifting out my chest. Meg had told me countless times to wait until marriage to kiss someone. Though, I never agreed with that rule in the first place. I didn't know how to answer his question.
"Of course, Laurie." I sighed. With a smile, he leant in and pressed a kiss to my lips. And I kissed back immediately. I deepened the kiss all the while trying to be etiquette about it.I hadn't ever been kissed before, but I'm glad it was by Laurie. I felt this need for him ever since he started kissing me. It's like it was powerful, and magnetic.
Who knew I'd fall for someone just like that.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍, 80s, 90s, 00s
عشوائيNO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS it's what the title says ;) this will include fictional characters, actors, musicians, etc. you can request absolutely anything! hope you enjoy!!! -jordy ✨ (i suck at writing smut but i can tryyyy)