I looked over to him again. Leo was still reading his notebook. Jesus, it's been 3 hours. When would we leave his place?
I tapped my pencil on the desk, making a very annoying but entertaining noise. Leo's head raised.
"Yeah, could you not do that?" Leo asked me with a sarcastic smile. I dropped the pencil and put my arms up in defense.
"Leo I wanna leave!" I whined. Leo put his finger to my lips shutting me up.
"It's worth it ok? Just stay a little bit longer, for me?" Leo pleaded. I slouched in my seat, waiting another year a half.
"Done!" Leo said proudly slamming the notebook shut. I sat up excitedly and waited for him to tell me what he was up to.
Leo passed me the notebook, it was completely full. I started flipping through the pages.
Reasons why Leo loves Y/N:
1. Her smile. The way it lights up every room and warms my heart.
2. Her laugh. It's bubbly and cute, and makes everyone around her start laughing as well. She's contagious.
3. Her hugs. There warm and loving like a summer day in California. No where I'd rather be
4. Her kisses. Is there really anything else I need to say?
5. Her voice. It's the music to my ears, and I want to listen to her talk for the rest of my life, I'd never get bored.
6. Her eyes. There amazing, and when I stare into them it's like the whole world stops, and she's the only one who can do that to me.
7. Her hair, it's beautiful and to be honest, always smells good :)
8. Her nose, her cute little nose. Everyday I look forward to kissing her sweet nose.
9. Her name. Y/N, the most beautiful name for a girl to ever exist. Honestly, everyone should be named that.
10. Her heart. Her good, loving, warm, generous, sweet, gentle, honest, heart. The best part, is her heart is mine. Forever, no one else can have her amazing heart that I love and cherish everyday of my life.
Everything....brought tears to my eyes. I was a mess. I couldn't even look into his eyes without tackling him into a hug, which I did.
"Oh my god. Leo, I love it. I love you." I said at a loss for words. Leo giggled proudly and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"It's all for you. And it's all true." Leo whispered. My heart melted, and I became all squirmy and warm. God, I'm the luckiest girl to walk this earth.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍, 80s, 90s, 00s
RandomNO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS it's what the title says ;) this will include fictional characters, actors, musicians, etc. you can request absolutely anything! hope you enjoy!!! -jordy ✨ (i suck at writing smut but i can tryyyy)