It was the day of this concert my friend just had to take me to. It's this guy, that I've never heard before and my friends crazy about him and his music. I'm not doubting his ability or anything, but is he really that much different from any other singer?
I really didn't want to go, but I had to for my friend. She seemed so happy to finally get tickets.
"Y/N, your friend is here!" My mother called from downstairs. I hurried to the door tying a jacket around my waist and fixing my hair. My friend stood outside waiting for me. I smiled at my mom and left the house shivering from the coldness.
I couldn't believe I'd actually agreed to going to a concert. I've never been, and don't know what to expect. But when we got there goddamn it was something else. Something special. I felt different for some reason.
"What's his name again?" I asked as walked into the arena. It was huge, and crowded with people.
"Bryan. Now shut up!" My friend yelled as the music started. When I saw him, I completely lost my train of thought. I knew he was just a celebrity but oh my he was beautiful. His eyes seemed to lock with mine. He didn't take them off of me and it made me nervous.
"And baby your all that I want. When your lying here in my arms. Finding it hard to believe we're in Heaven." He sang beautifully. Looking at my the whole time. Even my friend was in shock. There's no way he was checking me out.
"It's beautiful...." I trailed off looking at my friend. She smiled a devious smile.
"Bryan seems to think so...." she said. I laughed and directed my gaze on the boy again. The lights had dimmed and everyone started clapping. Dumbfounded I started clapping as well and we left the arena. My heart was a mess of butterflies.
"Oh my god! Y/N....what the hell?" My friend exclaimed excitedly. I couldn't contain my smile, this guy who's famous from what I hear was checking me out! And I was totally looking at him, he was adorable.
Out of nowhere I felt a tap on my shoulder. Slowly, I turned around and it was Bryan.
"Hi." He said nervously. I warmly smiled.
"Hi." I repeated. Bryan scratched the back of his neck and extended his arm.
"I'm B-Bryan." He said like I didn't already know. I shook his hand gracefully.
"Y/N." I said to him. A smile tugged at his lips.
"I uh, I- couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to maybe go out with me?" He asked shyly. I couldn't believe me ears! Yes!
"Um-uh- sure I'd love to. When?" I asked putting my hands behind my back. Bryan smiled of relief.
"Meet 8?" Bryan asked pointing to the bar across the street. I nodded at him as he walked away. Holy shit....

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍, 80s, 90s, 00s
RandomNO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS it's what the title says ;) this will include fictional characters, actors, musicians, etc. you can request absolutely anything! hope you enjoy!!! -jordy ✨ (i suck at writing smut but i can tryyyy)