⚠️ WARNING! ITS OCTOBER 31st and River Phoenix died today. I made an imagine about his death and how it affected the reader. Please do NOT read if this subject upsets you. RIP river we all love you to death ⚠️
I was lying in bed with River. Just thinking about life.
He played with my hair gently. I tried not to giggle, I didn't want to ruin the moment.
"Riv?" I asked him propping myself up on my elbows.
"What?" He asked me softly. I bit my lip and stared into his eyes.
"Will we be together forever?" I asked him. River pulled me to him and kissed my forehead.
"Until the end." River said to me. I snuggled back into his side and shut my eyes. I soon feel asleep.
When I woke up, River was no longer by me. I stood up and searched the apartment. He wasn't anywhere in sight.
The clock read 1:33 AM. Why would he be out this late?
I decided to call his mothers house.
"Hi it's Y/N, um is River there by any chance?" I asked twirling the phone line around my finger.
"Why no, he left with Joaquin to go to that Viper Room about 20 minutes ago." Those words hit me hard. I bit my lip.
"Alright thank you." I said and hung up the phone. I bit my nails nervously. Maybe he just went out for a drink.
My nervousness got the best of me and I dialed the Viper Room. I didn't quite know if they'd answer or give the phone to River....
I turned on the news as the phone rang.
It was almost dead silent except for the faint sound of the TV.
"This just in reporting from the Viper Room in West Hollywood actor, and activist River Phoenix was found collapsed in front of the bar, he has now been pronounced dead."
The ringing in my ears was too overpowering. I dropped the phone to the ground with a loud crash.
Those words hit me like a bus. My eyes became watering. My stomach tightened as I wrapped my arms around it.
Nothing made sense. I didn't even know where I was anymore. It's almost if I went deaf. I dropped to the floor immediately.
I couldn't stand.
My knees were far too weak.
I began wailing, crying, screaming. It was a ear piercing, death defying scream that people could hear for miles.
My head pounded and my heart broke into two as those words repeated in my head.
Everything I even loved was gone. Vanished, like it was never there to begin with.
I bolted out of the door not taking anything, even shoes with me. I pleaded with god that this would all be a dream.
Everyone's lights turned on as my wailing self passed them. My heart was broken, destroyed and my stomach was dropping.
Lights, cameras, caution tape filled the scene. I saw Joaquin a little ways away.
I ran up to the tape and pierced through it. The love of my life laid dead in front of me. I couldn't describe the gut wrenching feeling that spread though me.
"Riv? River!" I screamed as the flash of photos blurred me. My arms wrapped around him.
"Ma'am you have to let go!"
"No! River! God, please." I said clinging onto him. I wouldn't leave him, I refused to leave him there. I couldn't.
"Let go!"
My arms were pulled from me and that's when all the will to live left my body. It was gone. Everything was gone, and I could never get it back. Ever.
My eyes opened with a flash and I looked around. River laid in front of me sleeping peacefully.
I looked around and I was in the apartment. I began crying hard as I collapsed onto River waking him up.
"Y/N what's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked rubbing my head. I cried into him clinging onto the boy I loved so much.
It was all a dream.
"God I love you." I said softly as I looked up to him and kissed him. River didn't question me at all, but held me to him comforting me softly.
Yayayay! It was just a dream guys. 😌 RIP River we will remember you forever and we love you so much. You were a beautiful angel sent to us from God himself. Rest In Peace.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍, 80s, 90s, 00s
RandomNO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS it's what the title says ;) this will include fictional characters, actors, musicians, etc. you can request absolutely anything! hope you enjoy!!! -jordy ✨ (i suck at writing smut but i can tryyyy)