Surprise Surprise

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"Tay, have you seen my silver triangle necklace?!" I called to Taylor in the bathroom.

She walked out wearing nothing but a towel and her skin was still wet from the shower. Some of her hair was plastered to her neck and face by the water.

I turned from looking in a jewellery box to look at her. My eyes took in her defined cheek bones and jaw before dropping to her shoulders and sharp collar bones.

I took a step to close the gap between us. Without warning, I grabbed her face in my hands and kissed her hard and deeply.

We stopped after a minute or two.

"What was that for?" She as surprised at the unexpected pleasure.

"You just look so sexy. I couldn't help myself. And do I have to have a reason to kiss you? I just wanted to."

"No, you don't. It was just unexpected... A surprise. But a good surprise." She smirked, looking pleased with herself.

"I haven't seen your necklace. But you should try in the the box on the dresser in the middle. That's usually where stuff ends up when you can't find it," Taylor answered, remembering where our conversation had begun.

I took her advice and headed to the dresser in the middle of the room.

"So, where is this place that we're going tonight?" I asked Taylor as I picked my way through the tangles of jewellery.

"I told you. It's a surprise. You'll find out when we get there." She wasn't giving it up.

"You know I hate surprises. I like to know where I'm going and to be prepared. How do I know that I'm not going to be over dressed?" I lifted my arms and looked down at my outfit.

"I know. But just trust me that it will work out fine. And you're dressed just perfectly. Because I know where we are going and how you should dress. Just trust me."

"I do... I just... Really hate surprises," I was starting to sound like I was wingeing now so I made myself shut up.

"I know you do. But you can't know everything that's going to happen you. And you won't always have control so think of this as me trying to get you used to it. It'll be fine I promise. Your dress is perfect, you are perfect and our night is going to be perfect. I promise."

"I trust you, Tay. If it were anyone else, I'd probably refuse to go." I untangled two necklaces to find one of them was my favourite triangle necklace. "Found it! Finally." I cheered at my success.

This necklace would make the night that bit more bearable. At least I could convince myself that it would.

When Taylor was dressed, she called for the car and hurried me out the door.

I got more nervous as we climbed into the car and the driver started off.

I had been really looking forward to a night in with Taylor. We might have gone out to pick up dinner or I could've cooked. But I was hoping we could just hang out and talk.

To distract myself I pulled out my phone. I had snapped a photo earlier and I posted it on Instagram.

Ready for a mystery night with my favourite girl! @taylorswift ❤️💋👠

I tucked it away before I got tempted to do more or Google and possible events that we could be on our way to.

After another five minutes, I saw a mass of bright lights and camera flashes coming from a hall ahead. It looked like a really special occasion.

The lights were so bright as we passed it that it lit up the inside of the car.

Shortly, we were turning around and then the same hall came back into view. The driver signalled and we pulled to the curb in front of the building.

"Taylor. What is this?" The car had been lit up by the lights again.

"This is your surprise. Out you get."

She shuffled across the seat to hurry me up.

I didn't understand what was going on. I didn't know what this place was or what the event was.

Shut up, Karlie. I told myself.

I would do what Taylor said. I would trust her. For one night, surely I could manage that. And that meant I had to stop asking questions.

The driver opened the door and with Taylor just millimetres behind me, I stepped out of the car to a thousand flashing lights and cheers. The lights were incredibly bright. It was just that there were so many of them, they backed over powering.

Tay tucked her arm into my elbow and we walked down the red carpet.

The cameras were capturing photos faster than I could blink. The clicks and flashes filled the air around us.

After pausing at the end of the runway for the complimentary posing photos, we were directed into the actual building.

It was so dark in there compared to outside. My eyes had to adjust to the light before I could move.

Luckily Taylor hadn't let of of me yet. I probably would have fallen on my face if I was left to navigate myself.

"Miss Kloss. We're so honoured to have you here this evening." A middle aged man in a very expensive looking suit greeted me. "You and Miss Swift will be seated this way this evening." He smiled hello at us both and led us personally to our seats.

He seemed like he was in charge. If he wasn't, he was definitely someone high up and very esteemed.

But I didn't see why I was the honoured one here.

It seems as they I should be saying that to him. Except that I have no idea who he is.

I kept my mouth shut though, and I sat with Taylor quietly.

I checked my phone quickly and it had many notifications about my Instagram post. There would be heaps. I just didn't have time to go through it right now. I wished I could though.

"You're very quiet." Taylor pointed out. "And your questions have stopped." she felt my forehead with the back of her had jokingly like I was sick because I was doing as she had said.

"Well, you told me to trust you. And I was sick of asking questions and getting no answer."

"Hey. I answered your questions. Yes, you did, but nothing useful was given. They were cryptic or simply just saying that you refused to answer them. It's okay though, I'm just trying to enjoy the night. Like you said."

"Well, you don't look like you're enjoying yourself."

"Thus us uncomfortable for me. Not knowing what's happening. It's fine though, I promise. You're right. I can't always be in control."

"Okay. Just please do have a good time. Let me know if you really can't take it anymore. All will be revealed very shortly."

Tay cuddled into my side and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Love you Karls."

"Love you Tay."

The seats filled up. A rotating cast of people came and greeted us and talked for a while before moving on and the next one taking their place.

It wasn't long before the lights were being dimmed and the generic voiceover welcomed everyone and introduced the host to the stage.

Author's note: where do you guys think they are??
Next chapter will be up shortly. Hope you enjoy it! 😊❤️

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