Acceptance Speech

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She had to rush up onto the stage then. She quickly said "I love you" back and we let go of each other.

I felt naked without her around me. She was handed the award by Patrick and they hugged, it was complimentary.

She moved to the microphone and prepared to speak. She looked down at the golden gramophone in her hands and was silent for a moment.

"Wow. You know, a lot of people doubted that I could get this award for a second time. But, I also had an amazing team who were convinced that it wasn't going to anyone else. My team at BigMachine, you guys are all so hard working and dedicated. I am where I am because of the work of all of you. I am blessed to have the greatest family in the world. And the fans! Oh my god, the fans! I love your guys. Without you, there are no albums for people to buy them. But there is one particular person that I want to thank." Taylor looked at me then from up on the stage.

"That person is one of my best friends, Karlie." I felt a tear run down my cheek and smiled back at her.

"Without her input and support... I don't think... " she paused and it sounded as if her voice was about to crack. "I don't think my work would be what it is. As you all may know, I take inspiration from the people around me and my life. And most definitely from Karlie - that's how I got this," she held the Grammy up high.

"I don't know how I got so lucky to have a friend like you Karls. Thank you, again, I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much, to everyone!" I got up out of my seat as she turned to the stairs. I walked towards her and we met halfway.

She had her arms out wide, gripping the Grammy as best she could with one hand.

We hugged right there in the aisle. Taylor shed a few tears and I pulled her in to my side with one arm so we could walk back to our seats and no one would see her tears. But like the amazing, fearless woman she is, she didn't think about what everyone there thought. And I drew strength from her being like this. I could do nothing else but take her lead as she held her head high and let everyone see her tears.

Author's Note: Sorry it's short. I really am.

Thank you to everyone that is reading this story and for everyone that votes for it. I can't believe so many people have read it!! It is so incredible to think that I've written something that so many people have read. It's up to over 2000 now. Thank you so so much!!

Another update coming soon. Thank you so much and hope you enjoy what's to come! ❤️😊

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