Stay With Me

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It's been four days since Taylor found out.

She's been okay. I guess.

She's on top of me a bit more. Making sure I'm eating. A few times, I've heard her standing outside the bathroom when I go in there - especially after or during and meal.

I should be angrier about it. But I know that she just really cares.

There was one time that I just snapped. But I apologised right away. I felt bad because she only does it because she cares.

I guess I was just being smothered by her care.

But I am okay with how she's been.

She could have been much more smothering than she has.

I'm just glad that someone cares enough to do all this. And I worry that I say something and often enough. Then she'll... then she'll stop caring...

My first appointment to start treatment is tomorrow.

When Taylor and I were discussing it, we thought a gp or local doctor first, then a specialist.

But, having the contacts that she does, we were able to get straight into a specialist. And one of the best - or so people say.

I'm not doubting their ability. It's just that. I've been like this a long time and I feel like it could be harder to break old habits than if it had been found out much, much earlier.

It makes me wish even more that someone back when I was a vulnerable and insecure thirteen year old had done what Taylor's doing now.

And then I think that maybe my life would be different if that had happened.

Maybe I wouldn't have met Taylor.

Because I would have gotten help and I wouldn't need her to help me...

Whatever happened, I'd like to think that I always would have found Taylor because problems or not, I sure as hell need her.

Taylor and I were getting ready for bed now.

We'd been having sleepovers every night in her bed. And I wasn't going to stay complaining now. I really liked sharing the bed with another person - in particular Taylor.

We brushed our teeth together like an old married couple then rotated in and out of the bathroom with anything else we needed.

We were both lying in the bed, on our backs, gazing up at the constellation of stats that Taylor had stuck on her roof.


"Yeah Karls," she answered and I heard her head roll to the side to be facing me.

I could just imagine the muscle in her neck protruding and the shapes of her bones underneath.

"Will you come with me tomorrow?"

"Of course I will."

"No, I mean like, in with me. Not just take me. Will you stay with me?"

"Of course Karls. If that's what you want." Her hand moved under the covers until it found my hand and she gripped it right. "I wouldn't be anywhere else."

"How did I get such a great friend as you?" I asked, not particularly to her, just sort of to the universe I guess, or no one in particular.

"How did I get such a great friend as you too Karls?"

"I don't know. I think I'm more trouble than I'm worth. Especially lately."

"Never. Don't ever say that Karls. You know I don't think that. I love you and that can never be not worth it. Ever."

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