Camera Flashes Make It Look Like A Dream

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I slid into the long, white vehicle and the first thing I noticed, other than the fresh smell of vanilla and chocolate, was the sleek white leather seats. I rubbed my hands over them as Taylor slid in beside me. "Isn't it just awesome?" she asked.

I replied by saying, "Yeah, is this the same car you had before or is it new?"

"It's the same car, I just had it redecorated,' she replied, looking around at her marvellous design. It looked seriously cool!

There was a small disco ball hanging from the roof of the car and a sun roof made of glass to look out. There was a cork board above one bank of seats that was filling with Polaroids. There was one space in the middle and a few around the edges.

Taylor shuffled a metre away and pulled something out of a cupboard. It was her Polaroid camera.

"As it is tradition, we have to take a Polaroid," Taylor said very matter of factory and with a cheeky smile at the end.

"Really. What is I do not want to take a Polaroid Miss Swift?" I mocked her, putting on a stupid posh voice that wasn't quite British, nor American.

"I'm afraid you have no choice. It would break tradition not too and I simply cannot let that happen" she replied with an equally posh and mocking tone trying not to smile throughout it.

"Well then, it is good that I want to take a picture with you then, isn't it?"

"Yes. Very much so." She smirked again at the end and readied her camera.

"Ready?! Get your pose ready."

"As I'll ever be," I joked, like it was some big thing we were doing, not just taking a Polaroid. I knew how I wanted us to pose in the photo... Our lips locked and eyes closed. But... that wasn't such a good idea. Taylor doesn't like me like that and she would never agree anyway... Maybe with some persuasion, but it'd never happen.

I smiled with my eyes wide, mouth open, teeth showing and a firm frame. As I looked into the camera, Taylor ready to click the button, I felt her shift beside me and her face was no longer touching mine. Then, just one part of her was touching my cheek - her lips. She was kissing my cheek and quickly snapped the photo before either of us moved.

I didn't know what to say. It printed out the front and we waited a few moments for it to develop. She presented it before me and I fell in love with it. It was my new favourite photo of us. Her eyes were shut tight as her lips pressed against my cheek.

Then Taylor stood and moved to the photo board. She pinned it in the spot right in the middle. It was brighter and better than all the other photos. It was the perfect spot for a perfect photo. "I've been saving that spot for our photo together," Taylor confessed and blushed a little but hid it well.

Taylor readied a drink for us both "to calm the nerves". Or so she claims.

I felt butterflies in my stomach but also a thrill. A thrill because I was in this car with my best friend, because I was going to the biggest award ceremony in the world and because I was afraid of what people would think of me. Yeah I had been out in public with her before and we featured in gossip magazines together, but never anything as big as this.

I'm not as pretty as Tay and my hair isn't as nice, so of course I was worried about having to impress people after they had seen her. As there is no way that I could ever live up to the standards of Taylor Swift...

The car stopped and through the tinted windows I could see the constant flashing of cameras capturing every moment. The door opened and I was blinded instantly. I was used to the flashing of cameras. I mean, I'm a model, I'm photographed for a living. But I think it was the darkness of the limo that made the flashes so blinding. I felt my way across the seat and reached for Tay's hand, which she offered to me and led me along the red carpet, our arms linked and hands together as if she were walking me down the aisle at my wedding...

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