The Search

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Author Note –

Hi everyone. I know I have been so slack and not updated. And I am so so sorry. But I'm back now and finishing off this story.

I hope you can all forgive me for being so awful, and that you enjoy the new chapters.


Karlie's POV

The building looked nicer than I expected it to.

I had looked it up before I booked myself in, but you know how pictures can be so deceiving.

Like someone looking at photos of my shoots might see a fun and incredibly happy and successful model. How deceiving things can be...

I wanted to call Taylor. Every part of me wanted to call her. I didn't know if I would have access to a phone when I was in there or what the rules would be. But I also didn't want her coming here. And seeing me in a place like this. I had turned my phone off to reduce temptation and so that I wouldn't hear it ring if she tried to call me like she inevitably would.

I just have to get better and then go back and be with her.

She'll understand why I did it then. I hope...

Taylor's POV

I called Karlie again. It rung out, but quicker this time. Her phone must be switched off. Where could she have gone?

I was really freaking out now. Especially knowing what she does. She could be... oh god.. she could be anywhere. She could be dead lying somewhere.

But she wouldn't do that to me. Surely she wouldn't.

She knows I love her and that can help her and I am here for her.

I need to get in touch with her and tell her this. She couldn't just leave me if she knew this. i thought of who I could get in touch with to track her down.

There were her sisters... I hadn't really gotten too close with them. Karlie and I are always so busy we haven't had time for the normal couple things.

And there's her mum... She could know because I know that Karlie always keeps in touch with her. I wonder if she knows about all of this that's going on with Karlie?

I had the number of one of Karlie's sisters – Kim. They were pretty close and it was the only thing I could think to do.

I found her number in my phone and clicked call.

Please. Please. Please. Please. Please.

I begged out loud for her to pick up. For her to know something.

"Hey, Tay!". She was cheery as ever. The same spark that Karlie has. Or had. She hadn't been the same recently.

"Kim, have you heard from Karlie today or yesterday?"

my voice was desperate. I know I freaked her out when she answered "No, I haven't. what's going on Tay?" and her voice was much less cheery.

I was quiet. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if she knew, or how much she knew. "TAYLOR". I heard her say louder through the phone. It brought me back.

I didn't want to freak her out so I tried to calm my voice. "I – I haven't heard from her for a few days and was um, just wondering if you knew what she was up to."

I heard her let out a breath. I had succeeded. "Geez, Tay, you scared the hell out of me. I thought something was really wrong." It is. Something is really wrong. I thought to myself but not aloud, keeping my cool.

"So you wouldn't have any idea where she is?" I asked again.

"No, sorry, I haven't. I'll get her to call you is I do though, hun."

"Thank you so much Kim"

"Okay Tay, I gotta run. Tell Karlie her sister misses her if you get onto her before I do!"

"Will do Kim, thanks." I hung up and said me too to myself at missing her.

That was a bust.

Her mum is the next best option. But I wasn't sure how to get onto her...

I would have to go to Karlie's apartment and see if there's a number there for her. And check for clues. I just need to know what is going on and to find her.

I need to know that she is okay and to keep her safe.

How could she disappear like this on me?

Hi everyone, so that is the new update. It's not too long but more is coming.

Please let me know what you think and if there's anything you might want to see happen.

I will have another update very shortly.


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