Miscommunication Part 2

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Taylor's POV

After searching all afternoon and into the night for Karlie, I decided to call in some extra help.

I'd been calling our friends or anyone she may have gone to. But I needed someone to search with me now.

Calvin. He could help.

I dialed his number as quick as I could and he answered on the first ring "Taylor, how's it going?" he chimed over the phone at me.

Ugh, I thought to myself. He was WAY too cheery for me right now. Though he had no idea what was going on yet. Take it easy, Taylor, I warned myself and took a deep breath.

"Calvin, I need your help". I barely got the sentence out and I felt my voice crack. He asked what was wrong and I paused before continuing so he wouldn't hear it in my voice. Then I told him what was going on.

We agreed to meet at the Cafe down the street and make a game plan. He said he had something to tell me too. I don't know if now's the time but he's helping me so it's only fair.

* * *

Calvin's POV

Taylor had made it to the cafe before me. She was sitting at a single table, the chair opposite her empty. The table was shaking and he hands were buried in her lap. She was jiggling her leg like she does. Her nervous twitch.

I smiled and greeted her as I sat down. She shot me a glare at first then said hello.

I was too cheery. She didn't know what was happening yet. I checked myself and spoke less excited next time.

"Tell me where you've been and who you've called so far," I inquired.

"I called Selena and Kim but they haven't heard a thing. I went to her apartment building and checked her apartment with the spare key she gave me. I checked inside and asked her neighbours but they hadn't seen her since the day before. No one saw her leave either. I... I don't know what else to do."

Her head dropped when she said those last few words. I hated to see her hurting like this. But I finally had my chance to have her all to myself. I hadn't brought Kloss' letter with me. Taylor couldn't know she had left it with me. She would get over her and we can move past this.

"OK so you've tried a lot so far. We can ring a few more people but maybe we call it a night, get some rest and see what happens tomorrow, hey." I reached my hand across the table, wanting to comfort her.

She didn't place hers out right away. But eventually she did.

"Thanks, Calvin. You're such a good friend." She managed a small smile for me. "Oh wait, you said on the phone you had something to tell me. What is it?"

Her blue eyes lit up momentarily in interest at my news.

"Oh yeah. That. I just wanted to let you know I wrote this new song and wanted to see if you'd help me finish it off and maybe sing it with me."

"Oh cool. Of course I will. Once my mind is back in it with all this going on, I'm there."

She smiled at me but it wasn't her normal smile. She was still missing that extra glint that made a Taylor smile so beautiful.

Soon, my dear. Soon you will forget about Karlie and we can get back that light in your eyes.

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