The Best Day

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I woke in the morning and Taylor was gone. She wasn't in bed beside me and I thought that maybe she was in another part of the house.

Before I could even look, I found a note left on my bedside table. It read:

I've gone to the store for a few things. Relax and when I come back you'll get the best breakfast in bed. Get yourself ready Kloss, we're hitting the town tonight!

Well, I wasn't about to disobey those orders. I laid back down in bed and waited for Taylor to return. I had to refrain from doing something. If I were at home, I'd vacuum, or cook, or clean something. But if Taylor came home to find me doing that, at all, let alone in her house, she would find some way of punishing me and making me wish I hadn't.

Besides, I couldn't really complain about what was being asked of me except that I felt bad for being lazy. It was like someone telling you not to scratch an itch.

I followed my orders and lay thinking. Mostly about Taylor, but other ideas popped in at odd times.

I wished that she would hurry up and come back because I just wanted to spend time with her. We got time alone, and we always did stuff together, but a lot of it wasn't 'alone', so to speak.

You couldn't go out to lunch alone with someone because the media followed. You couldn't go on a picnic or do anything really if it wasn't in the confines of four walls where you didn't have to travel there.

And between both of our busy schedules it makes it even harder to find time.

Thinking of that... Taylor and I really could use a getaway together... A serious one, far away and intraceable.

Somewhere like... Venice.

We could easily head off there one Friday and no one would even know. I'll have to pull some strings and make sure we're both free next weekend.

I heard the door shut and it pulled me out of my thoughts. Taylor was back.

"Hey Tay!" I shouted.

"Morning sleepyhead" she called back.

"Need a hand?"

"Do you need to read the note I left again? Don't tell me I have to tattoo it onto your forehead next time!"

I remembered then what it had said - breakfast in bed and not to move. "All good. No tattoo needed. I'll just lay here." I got in before she could offfer something else.

I trusted Taylor when she says that she'll do things. It's not likely that she'll actually do anything, but that isn't usually comfort enough. Tay can be real scary sometimes.

"So, Karls! I was thinking we could go for a Friends marathon today. What do you think?"

"Will you hurt me if I say no?" I smiled to myself.

Taylor's voice was in the room when she said "Yes! I will Karlie. I will cut you." She did the freaky thing that she does with her eyes and had a knife in her hand pointing toward me.

"Okay, then. Friends marathon it is!" I agreed, afraid of what else may be offered if I continued to fight.

"That's what I thought"

"You know, Tay, you can be really scary. Remind me not to cross you for something really bad. I'd hate to be the one that says no to your songs or who had to take your teddy bear away from you."

I heard her chuckle. "People learnt not say no to my songs, and I still sleep with a teddy bear, so those things aren't really problems for me." I could hear her smile as she spoke. I wish I were in the kitchen with her to see her smile.

There were the usual rattles and clangs of Taylor cooking. They were quite soothing actually. I could have drifted back off to sleep right away.

I didn't want to see what would happen if Taylor came with her fantastic meal and I was asleep. I wouldn't live to see it I'm sure.

"What's taking so long chef? You have hungry customers out here!" I'd have to keep talking if I was going to stay awake.

"Do I have to threaten you again?"

"You wouldn't hurt me, Swift. You love me too much."

"Damn right I do! That doesn't mean you can insult the chef. I am the one with knives after all."

The noise stopped and I was getting excited at the wonderful breakfast Taylor was making me. I don't know what I did to get such a great friend. Seriously, she could have chosen anyone as her friend, but I was somehow lucky enough to make the cut.

Taylor appeared at the door before I could have one more thought about food or how I got to be so lucky.

"Breakfast is served." I sat up quickly and organised mysefl so she could place the tray on the bed. Her bed was big enough that you could put the tray in the middle and both of us could still fit comfortably on either side.

She sat in down then got ther tv ready before returning and jumping in beside me. The meal looked delicious and I couldn't wait. Everything that Taylor cooked looked great and tasted even better.

Taylor nestled in beside me. "Get ready Kloss the best day is now beginning."


After our Friends marathon, which lasted until eight that night, I was told to dress to impress with half an hour before we had to leave.

I did the best I could to stick to Taylor's conditions and somehow was ready to go in time.

Taylor came out just after me. She looked AMAZING.

I mean, she always does, but she looked-

I don't even know. It was a mixture of beautiful, elegant and hot in one. It was her usual self multiplied by a million.

She had on a sleeveless, skin tight dress that finished just above mid way up her thighs. It exposed just enough, but still left some things to the imagination.

"Tay... You look hot! You really did dress to impress. You'll knock 'em dead."

"You're one to talk! You are smokin' Kloss!"

I seriously melted when she said that. To have Taylor Swift call you 'smokin', for anyone, is definitely a life defining moment. It's not something you can ignore or brush off. It changes people.

We were both quiet and just looking at each other. It didn't feel like anything needed to be said. It was perfect just how it was.

The drive there was short. We really could have walked, but in our situation, walking anywhere wasn't a good idea.

It was a bar just a few blocks away. It wasn't a fancy or a-list bar, but it wasn't a bad place either. It was somewhere perfect in between.

There weren't too many people in the bar either which made the whole thing even more perfect.Taylor ordered our first drinks. They too were a surprise and tasted amazing.

We'd had a few drinks and the bar started to fill a little more. I felt the warm fuzzy feeling that came before I started to tip the scale on being drunk.

"Kloss!" Tay shouted beside me over the music.

"Yes, Swift!"

"Do you wanna dance with me?"

"I would love to, Tay!"

With that, Tay grabbed by hand and dragged me off my stool, leaving our drinks behind and entering the crowd of people to dance.

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