The Battle Begins

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The air was filled with anticipation as the Grounder army marched on Mount Weather. Many were keen to avenge the deaths caused by the missile attack and could hardly restrain their bloodlust.

The warriors surged around me as I strode beside Lexa, our footsteps perfectly in time as we advanced upon the enemy. Now that Bellamy had removed the threat of the acid fog nothing could stand in our way, we would get our revenge.

As if sensing my thoughts, Lexa's steady gaze focused on me, a slight smile forming on her lips. I remembered the kiss that we had shared earlier but quickly pushed the thought away, I had to focus on saving my friends, everything else would have to wait.

I turned my attention back to our surroundings, constantly scanning the trees for any threat but none was to be found.

I noticed that the trees were beginning to thin out, we were close. The two of us picked up the pace, the Grounders parting respectfully as we moved to the front of the army.

Only a few hundred meters ahead, Mount Weather loomed ominously above us, rising impossibly high into the sky.

The army had stopped moving and was waiting silently for orders, all eyes were looking to us. I clasped the radio tightly in my hand and took a deep breath before speaking into it.

'We're ready Bellamy. Are you there?'

For a few painful moments, the radio crackled and hissed and I repeated my words, feeling a rising sense of desperation with every passing second.

'Affirmative. We're engaging with them now, all entrances are accessible.'

I closed my eyes briefly in relief at his response. I faintly heard sounds of fighting in the background and knew that we had to act quickly, their small group could only distract the mountain men for so long. Bellamy had somehow managed to unlock all the entrances and I was thankful for his quick thinking.

Lexa turned to the army, her voice ringing out across the forest. 'The time has come for our revenge. We will take this mountain and kill those who have dared to oppose us. Jus drein jus daun!'

I knew the phrase well, it translated as blood must have blood. The Grounders roared their approval and with a subtle signal from their commander they charged forwards, spurred on by Lexa's powerful words.

'Steer clear of the fighting, you're priority is helping you're friends' Lexa told me as we moved forwards. I nodded in agreement, my hand instinctively going to my gun.

'I'll go straight to level 5, that's where they'll be.' I told her, knowing that if I needed to, I would be able to protect myself. Up ahead Grounders ripped into any entrance they could find, pooling inside in seconds. Some mountain men were positioned in defense and the fighting soon spilled outside the base.

I quickly located the closest entrance and mentally mapped my path there but before I headed off I looked over at Lexa.

'Be safe Clarke' she said softly, her attention trained entirely on me. I nodded in response, aware that if things went badly this might be the last time that we ever spoke.

A moment later, sword in hand, she lept forwards and joined her army in the thick of the fighting, an unstoppable force slashing left and right as she felled enemy after enemy.

A second later I followed suit, heading straight for the entrance that I had located earlier. This was it, the moment we had been waiting for, the battle had begun.

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