Taking Control

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We left the Grounder camp early the next morning, planning to arrive at camp Jaha around midday. I was travelling with Bellamy and two other Grounders that Lexa had insisted on being present. My intention had been that only me and Bellamy would be travelling back to camp, but with the constant threat from the panthers I reluctantly agreed on the two, if any more came then it would appear that we were attacking. 

'What do you plan on doing when we get there?' Bellamy asked from my side, we were walking to the camp rather than riding to make ourselves less intimidating and we weren't in that much of a hurry anyway. Besides, I knew that Bellamy was uncomfortable around horses, like many from the Ark, and I noticed his relief when he learnt that we would be travelling on foot. 

'Honestly, I'm not sure' I told him, even after thinking about it long and hard, I had no set plan for when we arrived. The problem was that there were so many different scenarios, it was pointless planning for ever single one and as Lexa had once told me, plans never lasted long anyway. The best I could do was wait and see how things turned out. 

'You'll think of something, I know you can do it' he replied, not a single hint of doubt in his voice that I would succeed. I wondered how he put so much faith in me after everything that had happened and wished that I felt the same way. 

We remained in silence for the rest of the journey as we trudged through the forest, keeping our eyes open for any signs of danger. In no time at all we could see the faint outline of the camp through the trees and I changed our path slightly so that we were approaching just to the right of the entrance instead of directly to the front. I was hoping that this would make us appear less threatening to the guards on duty.

As we emerged from the trees into the clearing around camp, I saw a number of guards pacing the perimeter of the fence. They didn't see us at first but as we got closer I heard voices calling out and hoped that I was doing the right thing by returning. We walked slowly to make it obvious that we were not attacking, though I saw more guards jogging over to the fence and lifting their guns. 

The Grounders tensed at the sight of the weapons but continued to keep their steady pace at my side. I frowned at the unnecessary lengths the guards were going to, feeling a slight pang of worry that they would shoot us down before we even got close. With Bellamy at my side I doubted they would risk hitting him, but if they thought we were holding him hostage it could explain why they were so defensive.  

I opened my mouth to call out to them and make it clear that we were not a threat, but Bellamy nudged my side, drawing my attention to him. 

'Clarke, look at the way they're holding the guns' he said hesitantly, narrowing his eyes to see better into the distance. I followed suit and focused on the weapons, noticing for the first time how they continued to move, to the left and right, they never stayed still. 

The guards were shouting something now and I realized that it was to us, though we were to far away to make out any of their words clearly. One was gesturing frantically with his arms and it dawned on me exactly what was happening. 

'They're not aiming at us' I said softly, whipping my head around around to see the black shape pacing along the treeline. Bellamy muttered something incoherent beside me and began to lift his gun but I put a hand out to stop him. 

'No, we need to get to camp' I told him when he looked at me questioningly, the only way to avoid any potential accidents was by getting to the camp as fast as possible. I turned to the Grounders who were ready to draw their swords, watching me for instructions. 

'We head for camp, the beast may not even leave the treeline so we have a chance of making it without having to fight' I addressed them, not wanting to loose any more warriors to the panthers. I was almost certain that we could take it down between the three of us but it was a chance that I was not willing to take unless we were left with no other option. 

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