Free At Last

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Travelling through the forest at night was always the most dangerous time, though there was no other option as daylight would've been to risky and we'd have exposed ourselves immediately. At least this way we had remained unnoticed as we fled from the ship.

Though still nervous of the dangers that lurked in the sinister forest, I was thankful that I had Lincoln to guide me, he knew these paths like the back of his hand so there was little chance of us getting lost and I had no doubts that he would be able to defend us if the need did arise.

We only stopped once the entire way, pausing about halfway to catch our breaths though I could tell that Lincoln was eager to continue. He had noticed my slowing pace but thankfully he made no mention of my injuries.

After the small break, he continued at a less rapid pace, we were almost at the Grounder camp and I could see him visibly relax as we passed the border sign. I tried to keep up best I could though I was starting to feel my injuries more intensely as the adrenaline wore off.

He glanced back occasionally over his shoulder, the concern clear on his face as he saw my discomfort, as best as I tried to hide it, he wasn't fooled.

I spurred myself on as the trees began to thin, informing us that the camp was only just up ahead. With a final push of energy I caught up with Lincoln, the two of us side by side as we approached the camp.

I felt a surge of relief when I saw the torches casting light over the entrance, the two Grounders on duty hardly looking at us as we passed, having expected our arrival.

Inside the camp, a number of Grounders were moving around, they seemed tense and at first I didn't understand why, the usual collection of warriors around the fire was absent as they crept nervously between their huts.

It soon became apparent when my eyes fell on Lexa, who was pacing the camp in a wild fury, her eyes narrowed dangerously as if daring anyone stupid enough to approach her.

She radiated anger and it was no wonder the Grounders all seemed so on edge, I had never seen the commander so furious. They didn't want to risk doing anything to put them on the recieving end of her anger.

As we moved further into the light, a few of the Grounders began to notice our presence, stopping what they were doing to gaze expectantly at us.

Lexa prepared to unleash her rage when she saw them idle, but the tension soon drained from her face, her expression softening when she saw me and Lincoln.

A second later she strode towards us, calling instructions over her shoulder in Trigedasleng, causing the Grounders to jump into action around the camp.

Lincoln bowed his head respectfully as the commander approached but she barely glanced at him, her attention focused entirely on me. Nyko hurried behind her, ready to do his commanders bidding.

'Bring her to my tent' Lexa instructed when she saw how I was swaying slightly, my legs weakening beneath me. I was hardly in a position to protest as Nyko gently took hold of my arm and guided me across the camp. Lexa spoke a few words of thanks to Lincoln before following us inside.

'May I put her on the bed to better asses her injuries Heda?' Nyko asked formally, still wary of his commanders unpredictable mood. When she nodded in assent he gently lowered me onto the bed, lying me down on the collection of animal furs.

Lexa brought me a cup of water and put it carefully to my lips. I savoured the refreshing liquid, not having drank since escaping my cell. Once finished she placed the cup on the stand and took a step back to give Nyko more space.

I watched her expression tighten as he gently pulled my shirt up to reveal the collection of dark bruises that covered most of my stomach. I gritted my teeth as he began to carefully probe the area with his fingers, assessing the damage. I sucked in a painful breath when he reached my ribs where the pain intensified, causing me to clench my fist in response.

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