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'You...killed Ray?' I said, finding the sudden turn of events more than a bit confusing. Indra nodded in confirmation and my eyes flicked suspiciously to Lexa, it was unheard of that a Grounder made a move like that without a direct order from the commander.

'Before you start, let me explain. That day, after your argument with Abby, the Commander was searching for her to let her know of the meeting she was planning to hold, I was told to go and tell the other council members so I went into the Ark to look for them. Once I had passed on the message I headed for the command room, knowing that the meeting would soon take place.' she started to explain.

'When I arrived I heard voices from inside so I stopped to listen. It was Ray and a few other guards discussing plans on breaking the alliance. Ray was telling them that at the next meeting he would shoot the two leaders dead and anyone else who stood in his way' she told me, her expression darkening as she recounted what had happened.

'They had yet to know that a meeting was about to take place but it would be the perfect opportunity to put the plan into action. I had to make a choice and so I waited in the shadows for the two guards to pass, there was no way I could take on three of them with guns, before I crept into the command room. He didn't hear me coming until it was to late' she stated, and I had no doubt that it was true, their uncanny ability to move without a sound would've come in useful.

'You had to kill him in such a way that it wouldn't come back to you' I said, Indra nodding in confirmation.

Indra was smart, she knew that if the guards body disappeared without a trace then it would be obvious that it was a Grounder kill, she had to be clever. Killing him in a way that reassembled a Grounder kill but without the usual efficiency and skill would suggest someone from the Ark had killed Ray and was trying to frame the Grounders.

She must've then slipped away quickly before everyone had arrived, I had only missed her by a few minutes.

'What she hadn't planned on was you walking in and being caught with the body' Lexa spoke up, drawing my gaze.

'You knew about this?' I asked, though was pretty certain of the answer.

'Of course, when I entered the command room and saw the body I put two and two together. Indra then informed what had happened at the first possible opportunity' she replied, watching me carefully.

'Did it not bother either of you that I was being imprisoned and tried for murder when you knew exactly what had happened?' I asked angrily, though Lexa kept her cool eyes on me.

'I was never going to leave you in there Clarke, if Octavia had not succeeded in freeing you that night I would've taken the appropriate measures. You know that we couldn't tell your people the truth' she told me, and as much as I hated it she was right, I would've done the same in her position.

If the Ark had found out that Indra had killed Ray, I would've been found innocent but the alliance would be a thing of the past, most probably resulting in a war.

With my mind buzzing with this new information I turned away from the two of them, Lexa making no move to stop me when I left the tent, respecting my need for space.

I strode through the camp and out into the forest, past the training ground to where I knew the river was.

It had become my place of sanctuary, no one from camp ventured this far, so I could be alone with my thoughts.

I lowered myself onto one of the many rocks that were scattered near the water, resting my head back on the tree behind me and closed my eyes with a gentle sigh.

I felt overwhelmed by Indra's revelation, wanting nothing more than to prove my innocence but without destroying the alliance.

I felt no anger towards the warrior for killing Ray, she had acted as best she could in the situation. If she had chosen differently both Lexa and I would most certainly be dead.

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