Rescue Mission

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Inside the mountain was a scene of chaos, the bodies of mountain men and grounders alike covered the floor, as the fighting continued to rage around them.

Looking around I saw that all of the rooms leading off from the corridor I was currently stood in led into science labs. After my constant studying of the base floor plans I knew this meant that I was on level 2.

The lifts were not a safe option so I headed straight for the stairs, slipping around the fighting mass of bodies. I quickly descended the stairs two at a time, keeping my gun in hand as a precaution.

I paused at the third floor which was relatively quiet as most of the fighting was going on above. This was where quarantine was and I had to check if there was anyone being held, I couldn't take the risk of missing anyone.

I crept down the seemingly deserted corridor, peering in the first cell I came to. It was empty, as was every other one on that floor. Satisfied that my friends weren't being held there I turned back to the staircase but one of the rooms caught my eye, I recognized it from my stay here previously.

I felt a surge of anger at what they were doing here, we didn't deserve to be treated like animals. My prisoner number had been 302-5 in mount weather, 319 on the ark. I felt like I had been a prisoner for most of my life but now I was fighting for freedom.

Turning away from the cell I headed back to the stairs, descending another flight down to the fourth. Whilst I had been checking the quarantine, the fighting had spread down to the lower levels and the air was filled with the screams of the dying.

A grounder in front of me went down from a shot to the head and the soldier turned his attention to me. I saw in his eyes that he knew that they had lost, it was only a matter of time until he was killed but he was going to take as many of us down with him as he possibly could.

His acceptance startled me, how could he be so calm in the face of death. As I raised my own gun in defense, a Grounder slammed into the soldier, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The Grounder gave me a sharp nod before he drove his sword into the man's heart without a blink, moving on to his next target without pause.

I pulled myself out of my shocked haze, I had to get to my friends. With one last look at the lifeless body I continued along the corridor descending another flight of stairs.

Finally, this was floor 5. I stood still and heard faint echo's of my friends voices, shouting encouragement to each other as they battled the enemy. I took off immediately, following the sound through the twisting and turning corridors until I finally saw them.

Bellamy stood at the front of the small group shooting down any soldiers he saw, a grim look on his face. When he finally caught sight of me at the other end of the corridor, a smile formed on his lips.

'Clarke! You made it!' he exclaimed, the others cheering as they too saw me. They quickly stopped when another wave of soldiers hit them and I had to help.

'With me' I commanded sharply, motioning to a number of nearby Grounders, hoping that they would listen.
Thankfully they did and we charged straight at the attacking soldiers who were put off by the speed and brutality of our attack.

I fired off shots, taking down the closest men until I approached my friends as the Grounders finished off the last of the soldiers.

'Bellamy, we need to get everyone out of here now, it's a bloodbath' I told him grimly and he nodded in agreement before telling the others to get moving.

It didn't take as long going up as it had down but as a large group we were able to kill anyone who stood in our way.

We were soon approaching where I had entered the mountain and then finally we were outside. It felt good to be out of the cramped space but the reality of the situation was no better. The fighting still continued even out here, I caught sight of Lincoln fighting off two soldiers nearby.

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